(영문) 제주지방법원 2020.07.23 2020고단1292




A shall be punished by a fine of five million won.


If A does not pay the above fine, it shall be 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A is residing in the C apartment house D at Jeju.

피고인은 2019. 12. 25. 23:40경 위 아파트 E호 입구 복도에서, 윗층에 살고 있는 피해자 B(남, 49세)에게 층간 소음에 항의하였는데, B이 층간 소음을 낸 사실이 없다고 하자 화가 나서 B의 멱살을 잡아 흔들고, 복도에 비치된 소화기를 B을 향해 던져 B이 이를 피하면서 소화기가 벽에 부딪혀 튕겨 나오는 과정에 B의 허리, B의 부인인 피해자 F(여, 47세)의 왼쪽 무릎 부위가 소화기 파편에 맞아 피해자 B에게 약 2주 간의 치료가 필요한 목의 상세불명 부분의 표재성 손상, 타박상 등을, 피해자 F에게 약 2주 간의 치료가 필요한 무릎의 기타 및 상세 불명 부분의 염좌 및 긴장 등을 가하였다.

2. Defendant B committed assault, at the above date, at the same place, and at the same time, the victim A (manam, 40 years old) set up his flab with flaps, such as flabing the flab of the victim by hand.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant A’s legal statement

1. Defendant B’s partial statement

1. The police statement concerning F;

1. The defendant B and the defense counsel argued to the effect that the victim living on the upper floor below the apartment at the time of this case attempted to find out the kickboard in front of the defendant's house and left the kickboard in front of the gate as a house, and in order to prevent this, the act constitutes self-defense and the illegality of this act is denied. However, the following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted by the court and duly examined by the court, i.e., the defendant tried to find the kickboard in front of the gate, but the defendant stated that the victim was able to take the kickboard in front of the gate as a house, and that the victim did not live in one another.