(영문) 의정부지방법원 2014.06.16 2014고단769



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Since the bill of indictment was modified in a fraudulent manner with KRW 12.6 million from KRW 30 million to KRW 12.6 million, the Defendant, without the amendment of indictment, made ex officio correction of the bill of indictment from “ KRW 30 million” to “ KRW 12.6 million,” the title of the indictment was also “the victim B known to ordinary people in ordinary people,” and the Defendant borrowed KRW 10 million from “the PC operation fund” around January 201, and received KRW 20 million from “the adult amusement room operation fund and paid interest” on February 201, 201, and was willing to pay the above borrowed money with the money borrowed.

On April 201, the Defendant, at the same time, declared bankrupt due to the existing debts, and the D Game Center operated with the Sincheon-si had no property. At the same time, the E cafeteria operated with the Sincheon-si did not have the intent or ability to pay the fraternity in the time, despite the fact that the Defendant had no intention or ability to pay the fraternity in the time when he had opened the number system and received it, the Defendant falsely stated that the Defendant would pay KRW 30 million in the existing loan to the 1.8 million in the monthly deposit and pay the fraternity to the 1.8 million won in the monthly deposit, in spite of the absence of the intention or ability to pay the fraternity in the number system.”

Around that time, the Defendant received 30 million won from the number system of the victim’s operation to substitute the c0 million won, and had the victim pay the 30 million won to the existing victim, but did not pay the 12.6 million won equivalent to the 7-time payment of the above 30 million won to the previous victim.

Accordingly, the defendant deceivings the victim as above, thereby deceiving the victim 12.6 million won.

2. A 300,000 won fraud of the mobile phone price is the following: (a) around January 2012, the Defendant is at the mutual influenite office located in the Dongbcheon-si Central Office; and (b) the monthly tax on the house in which there was no import and no import.