(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.08.10 2017고단2957



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

The evidence of No. 942 of Daegu District Prosecutors' Office, which was seized, No. 1 to 3, 2017.


Punishment of the crime

On November 18, 2010, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for larceny, etc. at the Incheon District Court for two years and six months, and two years and six months for special robbery, and completed the execution of the sentence on April 25, 2015.

"2017 Highest 2957"

1. On April 23, 2017, around 00:09, the Defendant: (a) extracted from the victim D’s “E Gameland” U.S. (hereinafter “E Gameland”); (b) intruded into the store through the open entrance; (c) opened in the currency crepan where he was corrected by inserting the crepan in the vicinity without any human being in the surrounding area; (d) opened in the currency crepan where he was corrected by inserting the crepan (i.e., single lution) and cut off with the cash 6,00,000 won owned by the victim; and (b) cut off 12 times in total, including the amount of KRW 22,050,000 owned by the victims.

2. On May 18, 2017, around 05:49, the Defendant: (a) intruded into a store with the victim G G in Daegu-gu, Daegu-gu “H game room” unmanned type: (b) opened by the open entrance; (c) opened the crepit in the currency crepan in which the drones prepared in advance were corrected by using the crepans without any person in the surrounding area; and (d) cut off the money owned by the victim with KRW 600,000,000.

On May 6, 2017, the Defendant, around 2017, at around 04:38, 2017, called “K” typeed by the victim J, operated by the victim J, located in Busan Northern-gu, and went into the above-mentioned shop with intent to steal money and valuables, and then cut off the money and valuables by opening the Raber, which was prepared in advance for the part of the first floor and the above-mentioned 1,864,000 won in cash owned by the victim. The summary of the evidence was “2017 Go-gu, 2957”

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each police statement made against L, M, or N;

1. Each statement of D,O, P, Q, R, S, T and G;

1. Police seizure records;

1. On-site CCTV image data-faging photographs, each site photograph, and CCTV.