(영문) 대구지방법원 2019.04.26 2019고단153




A Imprisonment for 10 months, Defendant B and C shall be punished by imprisonment for 6 months, and Defendant D shall be punished by a fine of 5,00,000.


Punishment of the crime


A The president, from September 21, 2018 to October 4, 2018, operated the “F” located in the North-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City E and the fifth floor, and Defendant B, who had worked as the head of the weekly business in the said entertainment room for the said period.


C has worked as a day employee in the above entertainment room during the above period, and Defendant D has worked as a night employee from September 21, 2018 to September 23 of the same month.

1. No one shall engage in the business of exchanging or arranging exchange or repurchase of tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products by Defendant A, Defendants B and C;

Nevertheless, from September 21, 2018 to October 4, 2010 of the same year, Defendant A operated the above entertainment room, and installed 40 game machine for “bes”, and had customers who find such a place enter an IC card in the above game machine, subdivides it, and make them gain points according to the points indicated on the card arranged on the screen, and request customers to exchange the points obtained through the game, Defendant B and Defendant C to check the above IC card and exchange it in cash after deducting 10% fees per point. Defendant B and Defendant C exchanged the above IC card to customers according to their instructions.

As a result, Defendants conspired to exchange tangible and intangible results obtained through the use of game products for business purposes.

2. The Defendant: (a) served in the said entertainment room from September 21, 2018 to September 23, 2018; and (b) requested customers to exchange in accordance with the direction of A, the proprietor of the business, thereby aiding and abetting the customers who found the said game site to exchange the results obtained through the use of game products.