(영문) 부산고등법원 2006.3.2.선고 2005노454 판결



205No454 Violation of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Monopolym Crimes (Misappropriation), Business

Attempted Misappropriation without Compensation


-0,00 Chairperson of the General Construction Company




Is 00

Defense Counsel

Attorney Kim -

Judgment of the lower court

Busan District Court Decision 2004Gohap259 Delivered on June 28, 2005

Imposition of Judgment

may 2, 2006


The judgment of the court below is reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

One day of detention before the pronouncement of the judgment below shall be included in the above sentence.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

검사가 제출한 증거들에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정 즉, 이 사건 전산 ·방송 시설 및 지붕막 공사는 주식회사 한국○○회(이하 '한국○○회'라 한다) 와 주식회사 이 ○ 종합건설( 이하 '○○ 종합건설' 이라 한다) 사이에 체결된 공사도급계약에 기인한 것이 지, 청도군과 ○○종합건설 사이의 체결된 공사도급계약에 기인한 것이 아니고, 따라서 이 사건 공사금액은 한국○○회와 ○○종합건설 사이에서 정해져야 하고, 청도군과 이 ○ 종합건설 사이에서 정해져야 하는 것이 아닌 점, 피고인이 한국○○회의 대표이사에 서 해임되기 전에도 이미 ㅇㅇ 종합건설과 한국○○회가 사실상 경제적 동일체로서 이 해관계를 같이 한 것이 아닌 점, 피고인이 ○○ 종합건설과 한국○○회의 대표이사를 겸하고 있음을 기화로 하도급업체로 하여금 실제 견적서보다 부풀려진 허위의 견적서 를 제출하도록 하여 허위의 견적서를 합산한 금액을 공사비로 지급하는 방법으로 한국 OO회의 이익에 반하여 OO종합건설로 하여금 부당한 이득을 얻도록 한 점 등을 종 합하면, 이 사건 업무상배임 등의 공소사실에 대하여 유죄를 인정할 수 있음에도 불구 하고, 피고인에 대하여 무죄를 선고한 원심판결에는 사실을 오인하거나 배임죄에 대한 법리를 오해하여 판결에 영향을 미친 위법이 있다 .

2. Determination

A. Before determining the grounds for appeal by the public prosecutor, the public prosecutor asked the defendant to amend the indictment as stated in Paragraph (2) above, and the party member asked the defendant to amend the indictment as stated in Paragraph (3) above, and the party member changed the subject of the judgment by permitting it, so the judgment of the court below is no longer maintained (However, even if there are the grounds for ex officio reversal in the judgment below, the above modified indictment changes the defendant's internal usage and property damages within the defendant's occupational duties without maintaining basic facts, and thus, most of the prosecutor's assertion of mistake of facts or legal scenarios in the judgment of the court below is still subject to the judgment of the court of this court, but the above argument is also examined in determining the establishment of a crime with regard to the modified indictment.

B. The revised facts charged

피고인은 2002. 5. 27.경부터 2003. 8. 8.경까지 한국○○회의 대표이사로서 위 회 사의 업무전반을 통할하던 자인바, 2000. 6. 13.경 청도군과 피고인이 대표이사인 ㅇㅇ 종합건설과의 실시협약 체결로 ○○종합건설이 청도군에서 국책사업으로 추진한 청도 상설소싸움경기장 조성사업의 민간사업시행자로 선정되었고, 신축할 위 경기장은 당시 에 전산 · 방송시설, 지붕막 등이 없는 원형경기장 형태인 메인스타디움으로서 위 신축 공사(이하 '본체공사'라 한다) 의 공사비 중 일부는 국비와 도비의 지원을 받고, 나머지 는 청도군비로 부담하여 신축하기로 한 것이나 위 실시협약으로 민간사업시행자가 청 도군을 대신하여 군비 부담금을 부담하는 조건으로 31년 9개월간 경기장 무상사용권을 부여받게 되었고, 피고인이 2002. 5. 27. 위 경기장을 관리 · 운영하기 위해 설립된 한국 ○○회의 대표이사로 취임한 후 2002. 7. 18. 및 2003. 3. 5.자로 2회에 걸쳐 한국○○회 와 위 ○○종합건설 간에 위 청도상설소싸움장 조성사업에 대하여 한국○○회는 위 경 기장의 관리 · 운영권 등 사업권을 양도받되 양도대가 및 공사비를 부담하고 , ○○종합 건설은 사업권을 양도하되 양도대가를 지급받고 위 공사의 시공권도 보유하는 내용으 로 사업권양도양수변경계약을 체결한 후, 위 본체 공사 추진 중에 청도상설소싸움장 시 설을 보다 완비하기 위하여 부속시설로서 전산 · 방송시설 공사와 지붕막 공사 등의 추 가공사가 필요하여 ○○종합건설은 그에 대하여 청도군의 승인을 받았는데, 위 추가공 사에 대하여는 국비, 도비는 물론 군비의 지원도 일체 받지 못하여 ○○종합건설이 자 신의 부담으로 시공을 하되, 그 소유권은 청도군에게 귀속시키고 무상사용기간 종료시 감정가대로 청도군이 정산 지급하기로 하였으며, 한편 그 공사비는 위 사업권양도양수 계약에 따라 민간사업자의 지위를 양수한 한국○○회가 이를 전액 지급하게 되었는바, ○○종합건설과 한국○○회의 대표이사를 겸하고 있으나, 한편으로 위 공사비를 지급 하여야 하는 한국○○회의 대표이사의 지위에 있는 피고인으로서는 위 공사비를 지급 함에 있어 그 금액이 실제 지급한 공사금액에 일정 비율의 수수료를 보탠 금액인지를 살피고 그 금액이 이를 초과하면 그 초과되는 금액의 지급을 거부하여 한국○○회에 손해가 발생하지 아니하도록 하여야 할 업무상 임무가 있음에도 이에 위배하여,

(1) 2002. 8. 경 경북 청도군 화양읍 삼신리 소재 청도소싸움경기장 공사현장 사무실 에서 한국○○회 주최로 소싸움경기장 전산 · 방송시설 공사( 이하 ' 이 사건 전산 · 방송 공사' 라 한다) 에 대한 설명회를 개최한 후, ○○종합건설이 ① ○○정보기술 주식회사 와 사이에 그 중 전산시스템공사를 금 1,408,660,000원 (부가가치세 포함, 이하 같다) 에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하고, ② ○○인터넷 주식회사와 사이에 그 중 발매시스템공 사를 금 1,610,400,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하고, ③ ○○마이크로닉스 주식회 사와 사이에 그 중 전광판시스템공사를 금 2,090,000,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체 결하고, ④ 주식회사 ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ아트텍과 사이에 그 중 방송시스템공사를 금 1,947,000,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하였음에도 불구하고, 도급금액을 부풀리는 데 사용하기 위하여 ① OO정보기술 주식회사로 하여금 전산시스템 공사비로 금 4,426,847,960원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고, ② ○○인터넷 주식회사로 하여금 발매시스템 공사비로 금 2,017,395,320원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위 의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고, ③ ㅇㅇ마이크로닉스 주식회사로 하여금 전광판시스템 공사비로 금 2,960,243,000원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고 , ④ 주식회사 ○○○○○아트텍으로 하여금 방송시스템 공사비로 금 2,321,936,890원이 소요된다는 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 한 후, 피고인이 ○○종합건설의 대표 이사의 지위와 한국○○회의 대표이사의 지위를 겸하고 있는 점을 기화로 위와 같이 부풀린 허위 견적서의 합계 금액인 11,726,423,170원에 조달수수료 명목으로 60,205,690 원까지 보탠 금 11,786,628,860원이 실제 지급한 공사금액인 양 가장하여, 2002. 12. 23. ○○종합건설로 하여금 한국○○회에 그 공사대금으로 위 금 11,786,628,000원을 청구 하게 하고, 2002. 12. 30.경부터 2003. 7. 9.경까지 10회에 걸쳐 경북 청도군 화양읍 삼 신리 소재 한국○○회 사무실에서 ○○종합건설이 청구한 위 금액이 적정한 공사대금 이 아닌 부풀려진 허위의 공사대금이라는 점을 잘 알면서도 한국○○회 대표이사로서 한국○○회가 ○○종합건설에 공사대금으로 합계금 11,200,820,060원을 지급하게 함으 로써 ○○종합건설로 하여금 실제 하도급금액의 합계인 금 7,056,060,000원과의 차액인 금 4,144,760,060원에서 조달수수료 60,205,690원을 공제한 금 4,084,554,370원 상당의 재 산상 이익을 취득하게 하고, 한국○○회에게 동액 상당의 재산상 손해를 가하고,

(2) On April 2003, 200 to require the above company to submit a false estimate of 9,015,969,825 won as construction cost for the so-called 00 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ KRW KRW 636306,736,7636,7,76306, supra.

3. Conclusion

Therefore, the judgment of the court below is reversed ex officio pursuant to Article 364(2) of the Criminal Procedure Act, and the following is ruled again after pleading.

Criminal facts

The first head of the facts charged above shall add "a person who was sentenced on August 11, 2004 to imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Commercial Act, etc. at the Busan District Court for a suspension of execution of one year, etc. on December 24, 2004" to "a person for whom the above determination has become final and conclusive on August 24, 2004," and "a person who refuses to pay the excess amount if the amount exceeds the actual amount after examining whether the amount is the actual payment of the construction amount," and "a person who fails to conclude the contract amount or refuses to pay the excess amount if the amount exceeds the actual payment," and "a person who changes the contract amount to the actual amount of 60,726,423,170 won under the pretext of the total amount of the additional estimate to 11,205,690 won, 11,786,628,860 won under the pretext of the contract amount actually paid to 200 won, 2016, 2607.7, 27060. won"

Summary of Evidence

1. From among the third trial records of the court below's judgment, Park○-○, Kim○-○, and the fourth trial records of the court below, the highest ○-○ in the fourth trial records of the court below

Of the fifth trial records of the court below, the witness 00, 00, 100, 200, 100, 200, 200, 300, 300

A witness ○○○, Ga-○, Do-○, Do-○, and a witness Do-○ among the 7th trial records of the court below.

Each statement

1. Partial statements of each protocol of examination of the accused prepared by the public prosecutor;

1. 검사 작성의 김○○, 박○○, 백ㅇㅇ, 이○○, 김○○, 유○○, 최○○, 정○○,박이

An entry of each statement on each of the statements on O, ○○, ○○○, Jin-○, and ○○○.

1. In relation to an investigation report (Attachment of a document of approval), an investigation report (Cheongdo-gun, an O comprehensive construction, and the Korea ○○ Association; and

Computer broadcasting facility works, report on the date of installation of roof studs, investigation report (construction of parking system);

A copy of the construction contract), investigation report (a copy of the 1,2,3 business transfer and takeover contract), investigation report (a copy of the contract)

A copy of a request for the payment of construction price for a roof installed), investigation report (a copy of the details of payment of construction price), number of copies;

Private reports (such as a detailed statement of the budget for electronic broadcasting facilities), investigation reports (a list of shareholders), investigation reports (a list of shareholders); investigation reports;

2. Each entry in the stadium (a statement of accounts for total construction in the stadium prepared by the integrated O-construction)

1. A project to create a Cheongdo permanent fighting team (design modification), a radio operator's level (No. 5. 2 of investigation records) and a Cheongdo permanent fighting team;

Computer and broadcasting facilities installation works (No. 3 of the same record) and computer of Cheongdo Commercial Fire Fighting Forces;

Research report on confirmation of implementation design of broadcasting facilities (Investigation Record No. 5 No. 4), cost investigation report

Each entry of a letter (BU, No. 6 of the same record)

1. References to criminal records and investigation reports (a copy of the judgment of ○○○○);

Application of Statutes

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

The point of occupational breach of trust: Article 3 (1) 2 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment, etc. of Specific Economic Crimes, the Criminal Act

Articles 356 and 355(2)

The attempted occupational breach of trust: Articles 359, 356, and 355(2) of the Criminal Act.

1. Handling concurrent crimes;

The latter part of Article 37 and Article 39(1) of the Criminal Act

1. Aggravation of concurrent crimes;

Articles 37 (former part), 38 (1) 2, and 50 of the Criminal Act

1. Calculation of days of detention;

Article 57 of the Criminal Act

Grounds for finding guilty

1. Factual basis

(2) Comprehensively taking into account the evidence of each judgment and the 30th anniversary of the construction contract for the construction of the 1st 7th Do fire station, the 1st 6th Do fire reporting and the 4th 7th Do fire station building project (the 3th 4th 7th Do fire station building project), the 1st 5th Do fire station building project (the 4th 7th Do fire station building project), the 3th 5th Do fire station building project (the 4th 7th Do fire station building project), the 1st 5th Do fire station building project (the 3th 5th Do fire station building project), the 3th Do fire station building project (the 4th Do fire station building project), the 4th Do fire station building project (the 1st 10th Do fire station building project), the 3th Do fire station building project (the 4th Do fire station building project) and the 5th Do fire station building project (the 26th Do fire agency building project) project).

A. Details of the agreement on the instant project between Cheongdo-gun and ○○ Comprehensive Construction

(1) On August 14, 199, ○○ General Construction was designated as a private project operator of the business of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the Cheongdo-gun and the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the project of the Cheongdo-gun (hereinafter referred to as the "project of the project of this case") and entered into a concession agreement for the project of the project

(A) Cheongdo-gun shall be designated as a private project operator for the comprehensive construction of ○○-gun and shall grant the private project operator the authority, rights, etc. with regard to the construction of Cheongdo-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-Sto-S to the management and operation

(B) The period of free use of ○○ General Construction shall be 31 years and 9 months from the starting date of operation, and the management and operation rights for that period shall continue to exist for ○○ General Construction (Article 4).

(C) All completed facilities and facilities under construction shall belong to Cheongdo-gun (Article 5).

(D) A private project operator shall establish a management and operation corporation prior to the commencement date of the operation and shall give prior notice to the Cheongdo-gun (Article VIII).

(E) Net construction costs shall be KRW 9.681 billion, and net construction costs shall be 65% of subsidies (50% of the national expenses, 15% of the Do expenses) by Cheongdo-gun, and 35% of the private project operator shall be appropriated, and the net construction cost to be borne by the private project operator out of the net construction cost shall be paid to Cheongdo-gun according to the annual project implementation plan (Article 13).

(f) A private project operator may implement a supplementary project (such as a hot spring site, hotel, commercial building, etc.) presented in the project plan, and Cheongdo-gun shall actively cooperate in the supplementary project of a private project operator (Article 26).

(g) A private project operator may conduct profitability projects (such as character development projects, advertising, relay, and friendly advertising projects) using the project facilities during the free use period, to the extent that does not interfere with the operation of the project facilities (Article 31).

(h) A private project operator shall collect entrance fees from visitors to the project facility during the period of free use under relevant Acts and subordinate statutes (Article 34).

(i) If a private project operator is established as a separate legal entity, all the status and rights and obligations under this Convention shall be comprehensively succeeded to by that legal entity, and with respect to that legal entity, the private project operator shall conduct all the procedures for such succession and approve Cheongdo Gun (Article 46).

(j) A private project operator may not transfer to any third party any rights and obligations under this Convention.

(2) Meanwhile, from November 1, 199 to September 200, 200, Cheongdo-gun agreed to install a stadium form as a whole red sea, and to additionally install facilities, such as a computer system for e-mail, parking lot, commercial building, etc. around that time, Cheongdo-gun agreed to extend the total project cost of the instant project to 62 billion won (31 billion won at the national expense, Do expense, 9.3 billion won at the military expense, 21.7 billion won at the Gyeongdo-do-Do and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, but it did not obtain approval.

(3) As to the additional construction of the above facility, as well as the national expenses and Do expenses, it was impossible to support the military expenses, the Cheongdo-gun and O integrated construction around that time, Cheongdo-gun, and O integrated construction, once the private project operator, including the computer, broadcasting facilities, and roof gate construction (hereinafter referred to as the "construction of this case") of this case, shall bear the total construction cost, and the construction cost of the above additional construction is to be executed.

B. Establishment of the Korea ○○ Association and transfer and takeover of business rights;

(1) On January 27, 2000, the Defendant decided to establish a management and operation corporation of the instant bullfightinghead in accordance with the instant concession agreement, and established the Korea ○○○○ Association (the trade name was originally referred to as “○○○○○○○ Co., Ltd.” on March 31, 2001, and the trade name was changed on December 2, 2002). The Korea ○○○ Association was affiliated with that of the instant ○○ integrated construction, and most of its employees were recruited or dispatched as the employees of ○○ integrated construction and processed their work.

(2) On February 15, 2002, ○○ Construction applied for approval of the Korea ○○○○○ Association to the Cheongdo-gun as a management and operation corporation of the permanent Do-gun pursuant to Article 8 of the instant concession agreement. Cheongdo-gun approved the Korea ○○ Association on February 27, 2002 as the management and operation corporation.

(3) On the other hand, with the approval of the board of directors of the Korea ○○ Association on November 25, 2001, 2001, July 18, 2002, and March 5, 2003, between the OO integrated construction and the Korea ○○ Association entered into a contract for transfer and takeover of business rights and a contract for modification thereof for the following matters, etc.

(가) 한국○○회는 2001. 11. 25. OO종합건설로부터 청도상설소싸움장 조성사 업의 시행 및 관리 ·운영에 필요한 사항과 호텔건립공사, 캐릭터 상품 제작판매권 등 의 부대사업에 관한 사업권을 양수하기로 하고, ① 한국○○회는 ○○종합건설에게 사 업권 양수금으로 3억 8,000만원과 ○ ○ 종합건설의 사업개발 공로를 인정하여 매년 당 기순이익의 1/ 100을 지급하고, ② 한국○○회는 청도상설소싸움장 조성을 위하여 이건 사업에 기투입된 비용을 ○○종합건설에게 지급하고, 향후 ○○종합건설이 민간사업시 행자로서 청도군에 납입할 제반 금액을 한국○○회가 부담하며, ③ 한국○○회가 ㅇㅇ 종합건설로부터 승계를 받아 시행하는 모든 부대사업 및 이 사건 실시협약서상 시행하 는 제반공사에 대하여는 한국○○회가 정한 설계금액의 90 % 또는 3개 이상의 견적을 평균한 금액으로 OO종합건설이 시공권을 갖는다는 등의 내용으로 사업권양도양수계 약(이하 '1차 양도계약' 이라고 한다)을 체결하고, 같은 날 ○○종합건설의 기투입 비용 과 사업권 양수금 3억 8,000만원 및 그 부가가치세 10 % 를 합한 금액인 7,031,413,072원 을 지급한다는 내용의 대금지급협약서를 작성 · 교부하였다.

(나 ) 그 후 ○○종합건설과 한국○○회는 1차 양도계약이 내부자 사이의 부당 거래에 해당할 소지가 있다는 지적이 있자, 사업운영권을 제외한 ○○종합건설의 이 사건 사업시설 무상사용에 따른 무형자산의 가치가 2,343억 7,090만원에 이른다는 대화 감정평가법인의 감정평가를 거쳐, 2002. 7. 18. 1차 양도계약을 변경하기로 하고, ① 한 국○○회는 ○○종합건설에게 사업운영권 및 기투입된 금액을 포함한 계약금으로 106 억원을 지급하고, ② 한국○○회는 ○○종합건설에게 계약금을 제외한 사업운영권 양 도대금으로 채권자의 수입금(매출액) 중 1.09 % 를 매년 법인 결산 확정일로부터 1주일 내에 지급하며, ③ 향후 사업운영권과 관련하여 ○○종합건설 명의로 이 사건 실시협 약상 민간사업시행자로 청도군에 납입할 제반 금액은 한국○○회가 부담하고, ④ 한국 ㅇㅇ회는 사업운영권을 양수받는 조건으로 한국○○회가 ○○종합건설의 권리승계로 인하여 시행하는 모든 부대사업 및 향후 실시협약서상 한국○○회가 시행하는 제반공 사에 대하여는 ○○종합건설이 시공권을 갖고, 공사금액은 정부의 표준 적산단가로 산 정한 설계예정금액의 87 % 로 하며, ⑤ ○○종합건설의 귀책사유가 없는데 한국○○회가 공사시공계약을 ○○종합건설과 체결하지 않는 경우 위반한 해당 공사별로 설계금액의 20 % 를 손해배상으로 OO종합건설에게 지급하고, ⑥ 청도상설소싸움장 건설은 ○○종 합건설과 청도군이 도급계약을 체결하는 금액으로 ○○종합건설이 시공하고, 부대사업 은 한국○○회가 ○○종합건설에게 공사를 도급하며, ⑦ 1차 양도계약은 이 계약으로 대체 변경한다는 내용의 사업권양도양수변경계약(이하 '2차 양도계약'이라 한다)을 체 결하였다.

(C) On the other hand, on August 26, 2002, the Enforcement Decree of the Traditional Bullfighting Match Act was enacted on February 24, 2003 and revised the profit-making structure of the operation entrusted with the sale of betting tickets, the ○○ General Construction and the ○○ Association decided to amend the second transfer contract on March 5, 2003. ① The ○○ General Construction shall transfer the incidental rights to the ○○ Association in accordance with the instant concession agreement and the said Acts and subordinate statutes, and shall entrust the sale of betting tickets to the ○○ General Construction. ② The ○○○ Association shall pay 10.6 billion won of the down payment and entrustment contract (1.84% of the total amount of betting tickets) to the ○○ General Construction and Construction, ③ the ○○ General Construction and Construction Association shall have the effect of transferring the ○○ General Construction & Construction and the ○○ General Construction & Construction & Construction Association shall compensate for all kinds of land incidental to the ○○ General Construction & Construction & Construction and the ○○ Construction and the ○ Construction & other Construction & Construction.

(c) Status of the defendant;

(1) From July 2, 1999 to September 31, 2003, the Defendant is practically running ○○ Construction until now. The Defendant, from September 16, 2000 to March 31, 2001, and from May 27, 2002 to August 8, 2003, was working as the representative director of the Korea ○○○○○○○ Association, and was actually operating ○○○○ Association. The shareholders of the Korea ○○○○ Association, including Gamb○, were the Defendant, who was concurrently working as the representative director of the Korea ○○○○○ Construction and the Korea ○○ Association, and was dismissed from office on August 8, 2003.

(2) 한편, OO종합건설은 그 주식 지분이 피고인 72.57% , 그 아들인 강○○ 3.23 %, 이ㅇㅇ(李OO) 6.22%, 국 재경부 8.46 %, 홍○○ 5.3% , 이 ㅇㅇ(李○○) 4.19 % 등 으로 되어 있고, 한국○○회는 그 주식 지분 중 피고인, 강○○, ○○종합건설의 지분 합계가 2000년 말경에는 약 79.45 %, 2001년 말경에는 약 56.45 %, 2002년 말경에는 약 22.78%, 2003년 10월경에는 약 10.90 % 정도이다 .

D. The progress of the instant construction and the bearing of expenses by the Korea ○○ Association

(1) As seen earlier, the shape of the stadium of this case is the Red Sea. As to the construction of additional facilities such as the computer system and parking lot and commercial building, the State and Do were unable to provide water loans. Around that time, Cheongdo-gun and ○○ integrated construction around that time, Cheongdo-gun and Do-gun decided to carry out construction of the annexed parking lot and neighboring living facilities, roof trusses, computer facilities and broadcasting facilities in order for a private company to provide more facilities of the stadium of this case. However, unlike the fact that ○○ integrated construction entered into a construction contract with Cheongdo-gun and paid ○○ integrated construction to Cheongdo-gun with the construction cost, the said additional construction is entirely constructed at the expense of ○○ integrated construction, and the ownership of such additional facilities is reverted to Cheongdo-gun and Do-gun and the construction cost was to be paid by the ○○ integrated construction project operator at the time of the completion of the appraisal by transfer and acquisition of the right to use the land.

(2) In relation to the above additional construction, at the time when the defendant was concurrently working for the ○○ General Construction and the ○○○ Association, ○○ General Construction made a contract form with 11,786,628,86,860 won as the construction cost for parking lots and neighborhood living facilities, roof 8,733,630,00 won as the construction cost for the ○○ General Construction, and 11,786,628,860 won as the construction cost for computer and broadcasting facilities, and ○○ General Construction Co., Ltd. was accepted by the ○○○ Association as it is, and paid the above amount as the above amount of ○ General Construction Co., Ltd. (or between ○○ General Construction and ○○○ Association around September 10, 202 as the contract form for the contract amount of 11,786,628,000 won as the construction cost for the ○ General Construction Co., Ltd.).

(3) 그런데 이 사건 전산 · 방송시설 공사에 관하여는, ○○종합건설이 2002. 8. 경 ① ㅇㅇ 정보기술 주식회사와 사이에 그 중 전산시스템공사를 금 1,408,660,000원 (부가가 치세 포함, 이하 같다) 에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하고, ② ○○인터넷 주식회사와 사 이에 그 중 발매시스템공사를 금 1,610,400,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하고, ③ ○○마이크로닉스 주식회사와 사이에 그 중 전광판시스템 공사를 금 2,090,000,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하고, ④ 주식회사 ○○○○○아트텍과 사이에 그 중 방송시 스템공사를 금 1,947,000,000원에 하도급주기로 계약을 체결하여, 사실은 위 공사에 대 하여 합계 금 7,056,060,000원에 하도급계약을 체결하였음에도 불구하고, 도급금액을 부 풀리는데 사용하기 위하여 ① ○ ○정보기술 주식회사로 하여금 전산시스템 공사비로 금 4,426,847,960원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고, ② ○ ○ 인 터넷 주식회사로 하여금 발매시스템 공사비로 금 2,017,395,320원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고, ③ OO마이크로닉스 주식회사로 하여금 전광판시 스템 공사비로 금 2,960,243,000원이 소요된다고 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하고, ④ 주식회사 00000아트텍으로 하여금 방송시스템 공사비로 금 2,321,936,890 원이 소요된다는 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하여, 위 하도급업체들이 제출한 허위의 견적서의 합계 금액인 금 11,726,423,170원을 근거로 위 (2)항의 공사비 (위 견적 서상 금액에 조달수수료 60,205,690원을 합한 금액임) 를 산출하였고, 이 사건 지붕막 공 사에 관하여는 2003. 4.경 원고가 주식회사 ○○○와 대금 52억 8,000만 원으로 하는 하도급계약을 체결하였음에도 불구하고 , 위 회사로 하여금 9,015,969,825원이 소요되는 것으로 금액을 부풀린 허위의 견적서를 제출하도록 하여 이를 근거로 위 (2)항의 공사 비 (위 견적서상 금액의 96.86% 에 해당하는 금액임)를 산출한 것이었다 (위 공사비를 산 정함에 있어서 OO종합건설은 하도급업체들이 제출한 허위의 견적서만을 기초로 하여 공사대금을 산정하였을 뿐 그 외에 ○○종합건설의 간접비용와 이윤 등의 금액을 추가 하지는 아니하였다) .

(4) On December 23, 2002, the ○○○ Construction requested the Korea Association of 11,786,628,00 won for the payment of 30 billion won for the instant computerized construction work. From that time to that time, the Korea Association of 00 million won for the instant computerized construction work, 710,92, 90, and 50 billion won for the instant integrated construction work, and 300,000 won for the 203rd 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 7th 206 7th 206 3th 6th 206 3th 6th 206 7th 306 6th 200 7th 306 6th 2000 6th 306 6th 2003 700 6th 2003 6th 3005 2003

(5) The Defendant, as the representative director of the ○○ General Construction and the Korea ○○ Association two companies, approved all of the above claims for and payment of the official approval money.

2. Determination

A. First, in order to establish a crime of occupational breach of trust, a person who administers another’s business in violation of his/her duty obtains pecuniary advantage or causes a third party to acquire it, thereby causing loss to the principal. In this case, an act in violation of his/her duty refers to an act in violation of a fiduciary relationship with the principal by failing to perform an act that is naturally expected under statutory provisions, contractual terms, or new rules, or by performing an act that is expected not to perform, in light of specific circumstances, such as the content and nature of the business.

B. Considering that ○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd., the Defendant had the ○○○○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd., and the ○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○ Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd., and the ○○○○ Co., Ltd.’s sales of ○○○○ Construction Co., Ltd., Ltd., the Defendant had the ○○○ Construction Co., Ltd., Ltd., and had the ○○○ Co., Ltd., Ltd., paid the ○○○ Construction Co.

C. Meanwhile, the defendant and his defense counsel asserted that the construction cost claimed by ○○ General Construction at ○○○ Association is not excessive in consideration of indirect construction cost, profit, etc. of the ○○ General Construction at ○○○○○ Association, and that if the above changed public suit remains, no profit remains due to the construction of this case, and that there still remains a procedure to settle the construction cost so there is no damage to the ○○○ Association. However, as seen earlier, the construction of this case is unable to receive not only national expenses and Do expenses, but also military expenses, and that ○○ General Construction at ○○○○ Construction at ○○○○ is a position to pay the construction cost actually required as a result of the acquisition or transfer of the private business right, and that the Korea ○○ General Construction at ○○○○ Association is obligated to pay the difference between the defendant’s indirect construction cost and the ○○ General Construction at ○○○ Council’s representative director at ○○○ Council, and thus, the defendant’s assertion that the total amount of the construction cost of this case is the 6th general construction cost.

3. Conclusion

Thus, the defendant can be found guilty of the revised charges of this case.


Park Sung-chul (Presiding Judge)

Long-seaed red lines

Gounk's attitude