(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2013.06.21 2013노602



The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


1. 항소이유의 요지 피고인이 피해자를 충격할 당시 ‘퍽’하는 소리를 들었다고 인정하고 있는 점, 그와 같은 소리가 난 후 피고인은 버스를 정차하여 양측 백미러로 버스 뒷부분을 5초 정도 확인한 점, 그리고 40초 정도 지나서 KBS방송국 앞에서 버스를 다시 멈춘 후 버스에서 내려 버스의 뒷부분을 살펴본 점 등을 종합하면, 피고인은 사고발생 사실을 미필적으로나마 인식하였다고 할 것이다.

2. Determination

A. The lower court determined that the Defendant’s right-hand side of the bus bypassing the bus at the intersection in front of the store, Ireland, etc., and the Defendant immediately stopped the bus at the right-hand side of the bus, and confirmed the right-hand side of the bus at about 4-5 seconds later without getting out of the bus, and the Defendant subsequently stopped the bus while stopping the bus more than her, but it was found that the Defendant confirmed the right-hand side of the bus after stopping the bus. Meanwhile, it was difficult at the time of the instant accident. ② The instant accident occurred at the time of the instant accident; ② The instant vehicle was obstructed at a point where 10 meters or more after the right-hand side of the bus; ③ the Defendant’s right-hand side of the bus at the point at the time of the instant accident is difficult to find out the road due to the occurrence of the accident, not the road traffic accident but the road traffic accident at the point at the time of the instant accident. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 19820, Apr. 2, 19999>