(영문) 광주지방법원 순천지원 2020.05.21 2018고단2437



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

"2018 Highest 2437"

1. Night-time theft of buildings;

A. On September 17, 2018, around 02:10 on September 17, 2018, the Defendant: (a) entered the entrance of a tent that has not been corrected by using the crepans without the victim D, into the tent by hand; and (b) cut off the fruit (10, 2, 3, and 15, respectively) equivalent to the total market price of the victim’s possession on the board of the inside lab, which was on the lab, equivalent to the total market price of KRW 80,00 (10, 2, 3, and 15).

B. On September 23, 2018, around 00:24, the Defendant: (a) laid down a set at the same place in the foregoing manner; (b) brought the victim’s market value at KRW 80,000 (eight sublime, four sublime, four sublime, four sublime) in excess of the victim’s market value.

C. On September 25, 2018, around 00:04, the Defendant: (a) committed a theft of an excessive amount of KRW 70,000 (4, 700, 3, 4, 15) of the market price owned by the victim by entering the same place in the foregoing manner; (b) around September 25, 2018; and (c) brought about the victim’s market price.

2. On September 27, 2018, the Defendant attempted to commit robbery at night, and around 00:52, at the same place, and in such a way as above, attempted to bring about a police officer who was dispatched to the scene to the scene, but failed to commit an attempted theft.

"2020 Highest 330" Defendant was colored in order to steals goods stored inside the parked vehicle. On February 15, 2020, around 01:55 on February 15, 2020, the Defendant left the knife of the victim F-owned knife and the knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife knife kn

Summary of Evidence

1. The defendant's legal statement "2018 Highest 2437";

1. Statement made to D by the police;

1. Fire-proof reports (on-site reports, analysis of CCTV images, etc.), photographs, investigation reports (Attachment to a receipt of damaged articles). "20, 330";

1. To deal with investigation reports (with respect to telephone conversations and unwritten statements with victims), investigation reports, 112 reported cases;