(영문) 서울행정법원 2017.11.30 2016구단65100

공무상요양 추가상병 불승인처분취소 청구의 소


1. On July 5, 2016, the Defendant’s disposition revoking the Plaintiff’s non-approval of additional medical care for official duties.



1. The Plaintiff was appointed as a fire-fighting officer on April 11, 201, and served as a member of the Busan Metropolitan City Fire-Fighting Safety Headquarters’s member from June 4, 2011.

On January 21, 2015, around 09:46, at the Busan Youngdo-ro, Busan, a 69-do-do-ro, a ship that received a report from a fire station due to an accident that collapses while falling with the human body while the cateral structure (e.g., square) during the brucing process in the shipbuilding yard located in the 69-do-gu, Busan, a shipbuilding station, and received a report from the fire station on the same day.

The plaintiff, who is a fire brigade, was also rescued by one victim who was buried inside the crest while performing life-saving activities, and thereafter returned inside the crest in order to find out well-freshed trees of the victim, and search operations were conducted by entering the crest inside the crest, and the strong pains occurred in the crest and the verte, while getting out of the crest to the outside and above the ground.

(B) In the following, the Plaintiff was sent back to the first instance vehicle with the help of the fellows who were at the site, and was diagnosed as the “surgical signboard escape certificate (Tap 5-Tap 1)” (hereinafter referred to as the “instant existing injury and disease”).

The plaintiff has obtained approval of medical care from the defendant for the existing injury and disease of this case in the course of performing official duties, and has continued to be hospitalized and treated as a outpatient.

In the process of receiving medical care, the Plaintiff was suffering from a brush, and around June 20, 2016, the Plaintiff received the diagnosis of the “scambling scam escape certificate (3/4, 7/1t)” (hereinafter “the following”) at the Indonessan Hospital (hereinafter “Indones”).

On June 23, 2016, the Plaintiff applied for the extension of the period for the existing injury and disease of this case to the Defendant, along with the application for the extension of the period for the additional injury and disease in the line of official duty.

On July 5, 2016, the Defendant: “The escape card (3/4, 7/1t) of a conical signboard applied to the Plaintiff as an additional injury or disease is generally pressured by a conical signboard between conical trends, and is injury or injury.