(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2018.11.15 2018가합937

건물인도 등


1. The defendant shall be the plaintiff.

(a) Attached 1 drawings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, among the 1st floor of the building listed in Attached 1 list;


1. The description of the grounds for the claim is as shown in attached Form 2;

2. Articles 208 (3) 1 and 257 (1) of the Civil Procedure Act of the applicable provisions of Acts.

3. From August 26, 2018 to the date of delivery of the portion of the electric utility charges calculated by the rate of KRW 5,950,00 per month from the date of delivery of the portion 1,955, in the ship connecting each of the items of Annex 1 drawings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 77, 755, among the portion of the money for which the Plaintiff claimed against the Defendant from the Defendant, the portion of the electric utility charges calculated by the ratio of KRW 1,955,00,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

(2) The plaintiff argues that the above electricity charges are the average electricity charges during the lease term of the part of the building of this case, and the plaintiff and the defendant concluded a lease agreement on the part of the building of this case and agreed to settle the actual expenses including the public electricity charges. Therefore, this part of the plaintiff's claim is dismissed.