(영문) 대구지방법원 2020.09.15 2020고단3094



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant, along with the following activities, paid insurance money from the insurance company under the name of automobile repair expenses, medical expenses, and agreement deposit in the event of a traffic accident in the event of a traffic accident, and the rate of fault of the other party in the event of a vehicle in contact with the vehicle in the course of changing the vehicle line is 80 to 90%, and in the case of the passenger, the insurance money was intentionally caused the vehicle in the change of the vehicle line and the insurance money was solicited to be divided into

1. Joint crimes with B;

A. As above, the Defendant conspired with B on March 30, 2018, when driving the off-to-land B around the D store located in Seo-gu, Daegu, Seo-gu, Seoul, operated the off-to-land B, and the Defendant was driving five-lanes on the two-lanes away from the two-lanes, causing an accident intentionally by using the moment when a car in F driver's G Coke also changed the two-lanes, causing an accident, and then claimed insurance money to the victim H Co., Ltd. as if a traffic accident had occurred, and thereafter, the Defendant was granted KRW 2,836,420 as insurance money from the victim.

B. As above, the Defendant conspired with B, around April 10, 2018, driving Bab on the roads near the Southern-dong, Nam-gu, Daegu-dong No. 2 located in Nam-dong, Daegu-dong, and the Defendant was driving Baba, while driving five-lanes in the newnam-dong, causing an intentional contact by using the moment the car of I driver changed the car line, and then claiming insurance money from the victim H Co., Ltd and the victim K Co., Ltd. as if the traffic accident occurred, and then, the Defendant received KRW 147,800 around that time, and KRW 3,370,200 from the victim K Co., Ltd. as the insurance money.

2. The Defendant jointly committed the crimes with B, L, M, and N, as described above, conspired with B, L, M, and N, and on February 16, 2019, B, prior to the Plast Party located in the Daegu Seo-gu O on the roads in front of the Plast Party located in the Daegu Seo-gu, Daegu, 201, driven a N QM7 car, and the Defendant.