(영문) 서울고등법원 2012.08.14 2010나119656

대여금 등


1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the claimant of the deceased C regarding the claim for revocation of fraudulent act shall be revoked.


1. Determination as to loan claims

A. The fact that the Plaintiff transferred the cause of the claim to the Defendant’s account as follows is no dispute between the parties.

번호 날짜 금액(원) 1 2006. 11. 28. 20,000,000 2 2006. 12. 19. 150,000,000 3 2007. 4. 30. 40,000,000 4 2007. 6. 1. 50,000,000 5 2007. 8. 10. 200,000,000 6 2007. 9. 14. 50,000,000 합계 510,000,000 날짜 피고의 원고에 대한 송금액 누계 원고의 피고에 대한 송금액 누계 2001-08-14 50 50 2001-08-23 400 450 2002-01-18 5 455 2002-02-01 300 755 2002-04-09 30 785 2002-04-18 20 805 2002-08-02 70 875 2002-08-27 400 1275 2002-09-13 2000 3275 2002-09-16 2000 5275 2002-10-16 500 5775 2002-10-23 200 5975 2002-11-15 1000 6975 2002-12-02 6975 600 600 2002-12-07 6975 80 680 2003-03-10 6975 100 780 2003-03-31 135 7110 780 2003-04-11 50 7160 780 2003-04-17 2000 9160 780 2003-04-22 400 9560 780 2003-04-22 80 9640 780 2003-05-09 200 9840 780 2003-06-03 1000 10840 780 2003-07-04 80 10920 780 2003-07-09 10920 500 1280 2003-07-22 120 11040 1280 2003-07-31 500 11540 1280 2003-08-25 800 12340 1280 2003-08-27 5000 원고는 2003. 8. 27. H과 사이에 아래에서 볼 ‘N빌딩’에 관한 O 명의의 지분을 피고 명의로 825,000,000원에 매수하기로 하는 계약을 체결하고, 대금 1억 원 중 계약금 5천만 원을 피고로부터 차용하여, 피고로 하여금 지급하도록 하였으므로 피고에게 이를 반환하여야 한다.

17340 100 222803-09-01 17340 150 2430 2430 2430-17340 50 2480 2480 2003-11-22 17340 1500 3980 3980 2003-12-08 173408 22,665 the Defendant, practically owned by the Plaintiff, sold 101 "P building" to a third party as a title trustee, and received 226,650,000 won as the price on December 8, 2003, the Defendant was liable to return the said price to the Plaintiff.

26645 2003-12-10 1300 18640 26645 2003-12-11 18640 1300 27945 2003-1240 27945 2003-12-24 1000 196405 27945 2004-01-29 700 20340 27940 27945-20340 2004-6.