(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2016.01.12 2015고정1084



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The summary of the facts charged is that Defendant A is engaged in agriculture, and C is a person who operates D with frequent fluences with each other. Defendant A committed assault, such as: (a) the victim C, who was temporarily installed in the E river site at the time of light lighting around 18:50 on December 25, 2014, at the time of the victim’s use of the vehicle, was found to have driven the vehicle and found illegal temporary installation and taken photographs; (b) the victim saw it from the vehicle; and (c) the victim dump was flading with flaps.

2. The judgment C consistently committed an assault by the Defendant, such as cutting down his fat, drawing in his fat, etc.

A statement shall be made, and the part of C in photographs taken in the south earth on the day of the instant case shall be teared.

However, the following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and examined by this court, i.e., ① the Defendant consistently stated that the Defendant placed the tools to be landed from C in the train, thereby spreading it to C, and ② the police officer dispatched to the scene immediately after the occurrence of the instant case did not have any special contact with C’s face.

진술하는 점, ③ C가 2014. 12. 29. 발급 받은 상해 진단서에는 얼굴 부위의 상처에 대하여는 아무런 언급이 없는 점, ④ C가 피고 인과 시비를 할 당시 촬영된 영상에 의하면, C는 주로 불법 건축 문제를 언급하였고, 피고인은 오히려 C 와의 물리적 충돌을 피하려고 하는 상황이었던 점, ⑤ C는 사실과 달리 피고인이 드라이브 등 뾰족 한 연장으로 자신을 찔렀고 쇠파이프로 손을 내리쳤다고 주장하기도 하는 등 C 진술은 전체적으로 신빙성이 떨어지는 점, ⑥ 야간에 비닐하우스 설치 작업을 하던 피고인이 C가 차량 안에서 자신을 스마트 폰으로 촬영하고 있다는 것을 금방 알아차리기도 쉽지 않은 점, ⑦ C의 상의가 손상된 시점과 원인은 객관적으로 확인되지 않는 점, ⑧ 피고인이 C의 멱살을 잡는 외에 어떠한 폭행을...