(영문) 부산지방법원 2014.07.10 2013고단2059




A with a fine of KRW 40 million, Defendant B with a fine of KRW 3 million, Defendant C with a fine of KRW 20 million.


Punishment of the crime

1. Violation of the Customs Act;

A. C Co., Ltd. and D Co., Ltd. and Defendant A is the representative director of C Co., Ltd. and D Co., Ltd., who is an exporter and importer, who is an exporter and importer at the window G of Changwon city, and Defendant B, H, I and J are those who have been in charge of the contract, inspection, customs clearance, shipment, etc. of carnationization at the site of China at the request of Defendant A.

(1) On January 10, 2008, Defendants A and B filed an import declaration with the Incheon Airport Customs Office of Korea at KRW 9,800,00, including the reduction of domestic carnation in the name of C, and Defendant B sent to Defendant A, in advance, a false invoice with which the actual price of imported goods was lower than the actual price, while handling the contract, inspection, customs clearance, and shipment of the above imported goods in China at the local level. Defendant A, based on the above invoice, filed a false report as if the actual price of imported goods was US$ 2,625.83 but the actual price of the goods was US$ 695.70, and evaded customs duties 456,480 on the difference.

In addition, the Defendants conspired, from that time until April 12, 2008, filed an import declaration of 142,675 points, such as the reduction of domestic carnation in the name of C Co., Ltd. in the name of C Co., Ltd., for a total of 10 times from that time, from that time, by the same method as indicated in paragraphs 1 to 10 of the attached Table of Crimes (1). In order to affect the determination of the amount of tax, the Defendants were falsely reported as if the actual price of imported goods was US$ 45,098.06, and subsequently evaded the total amount of 8,151,170 won of customs duties on the difference.

(2) On September 10, 2008, Defendant A and H filed an import declaration with the Incheon Airport Customs Office about 19,000 points for the saving of domestic carnation in the name of the company C. H, while carrying out the contract, inspection, customs clearance, and shipment of the above imported goods at the site of China, Defendant A and H sent a false invoice to Defendant A at a price lower than the actual price.
