(영문) 창원지방법원 2018.02.21 2017고단3686




A Imprisonment with prison labor for 6 months, for 10 months, for Defendant C, for 8 months, for Defendant D and E, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

[Basic Facts] In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the livestock industry by facilitating the production and use of domestic research fees, reducing production costs, etc., the victim creative city implements "O business" to support the purchase cost of the production site of research fees (such as wood and dried, etc. with high textile content, and low energy content) and select eligible recipients at the request of manufacturers' organizations, such as agricultural partnership companies, etc., and select eligible recipients. The ratio of self-payment out of the total project cost of approximately 50-60% out of the total project cost to be changed from about 50-60% each year according to the decision to grant subsidies from Changwon-si each year, and then submit a report on completion of the project accompanied by relevant evidentiary documents to submit a report on completion of the project, the victim shall pay the remainder of the project cost excluding the self-payment.

An agricultural partnership for such selection as a subsidy program operator shall have at least KRW 100 million, and at least five members shall be appointed, and the members shall have a track record of collaborative management of agriculture and conducting research fees business for at least one year.

In addition, the subsidized project operator should faithfully implement the subsidized project in accordance with the laws, the purpose of granting subsidies, the details and terms of the subsidized project, and not engage in any unfair act related to the subsidy, and should not use and manage the agricultural machinery purchased with the subsidy jointly with the members of the corporation, and should not be justified.

[Criminal facts]

1. From February 28, 2010 to March 20, 2015, Defendant A committed the crime related to G was the president of G in Changwon-si P, Defendant B, and Defendant C, a farmer entrusted with the production of investigation fees, who is the member of the said association, Defendant G (hereinafter “Defendant G”) or the member of the said association (hereinafter “G”) on August 20, 196.