(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2012.12.13 2012고합1415



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

One cell phone (No. 1) seized shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

1. Around September 23:00 on September 17, 2012, the Defendant assaulted the victim’s head twice by drinking, on the ground that the victim D (here, 46 years of age) who was in a personal relationship before the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government C Station was not a male with another male.

2. 강간 피고인은 위와 같이 폭행을 당한 피해자가 피고인을 만나려고 하지 않자 2012. 9. 18. 01:15경부터 같은 날 07:05경까지 피해자의 휴대폰으로 “나 지금 너 집간다, 기다려”, “넌 실수햇어 내가 먼가 보여줄게”, “집모르는줄알지 ㅋ”, “집앞에서 나이름부른다”, “오늘은 그냥간다 내인생은 이제업다 곧알게해줄게”, “너집앞에서 지금까지 잇다가는데 곧 보게될거야”, “너갇은년잘못만나 내인생 여기서 끈나지만 넌 더후회 하게 될거야”, “늬 딸이나 잘봐 후회하지말고”, “돈 백만원 보내, 바줄게”, “너 지금 어디야 수작부리지 말어 내가 아무것도 못하고 말거라는 생각말어, 연기잘하드라 아까 ㅋㅋ”라는 내용으로 여러 차례 문자를 보내어, 피해자가 피고인이 원하는 대로 하지 않을 경우 피고인과의 불륜사실을 피해자의 남편과 딸에게 알리고 마치 피해자의 딸에게 어떤 위해를 가할 것처럼 피해자에게 겁을 주어 피해자를 협박하였다.

After that, around September 19, 2012, the Defendant: (a) informed the husband and his/her children of the fact that he/she was in contact with the victim, who was under the influence of alcohol, of the fact that he/she had been in contact with the victim on September 20, 2012; (b) notified the victim of the fact that he/she was in contact with the victim on September 20, 2012; (c) led the victim to his/her behavior to force the victim’s resistance; and (d) inserted the victim’s sexual organ into one copy of the victim’s sound, and rape.
