(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.11.29 2018고단6005



1. The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months, and the defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for six months;

2. Provided, That with respect to the defendant B, the defendant B.


Punishment of the crime


A From June 3, 2017 to August 25, 2018, eight rooms (D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) of the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government C Officetel and one room (M) of the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan L Building. The above L building M is an owner who operates an office of commercial sex acts in the name of "N" and "O" while using the rest rooms as a place of commercial sex acts. Defendant B is a person who has worked as the head of the above office from June 3, 2018 to July 25, 2018.


A, from June 3, 2017 to August 25, 2018, posted an advertisement to publicize the said business establishment through the “P” website, etc., which is an Internet commercial sex act site, and employed approximately 15-20 female workers, including the head of the office, female workers, and Q, etc., and then used approximately 15-180,000 male customers who find the place, and 23-260,000 won of the AF (60 minutes, once circumstances), BF (90 minutes, twice circumstances), and 30-360,000,000 won from 20-8,000,000 won to 20-7,0000,0000 won, and from 20-8,000,000 won to 18-7,000,000 employees of the said 20-7,000 won, and from 28,000 won to 280,00.