(영문) 전주지방법원 정읍지원 2018.08.07 2018고정26



The sentence against the accused shall be three million won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine.


Punishment of the crime

On November 24, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to a fine of KRW 3 million for intimidation, etc. in the Jeonju District Court’s Eup branch court’s branch court, and the said judgment became final and conclusive on May 25, 2017.

The Defendant appeared and testified as a witness at the court of Jeonju District Court 2016Da55,106 (Joint) at the same court in the criminal justice court of Jeonju District Court 2016, Oct. 18, 2016, and at around 13:30 on Nov. 21, 2015, that “A witness of the public prosecutor is not a witness leading to one parking lot due to the Defendant” in question, “A witness of the public prosecutor who testified as a witness of the case,” and “A witness of the public prosecutor is not a witness of the Defendant at that time” in the Erying room around November 21, 2015.

The question "at the time of being towed" is "I have been aware of all times, and if we do not see the truth, I have discarded."

“Greing, being towed by one of the parking lots, the prosecutor’s “I knek kneel kelel kelel kelel kelel kelel kelel kelel kelel kelel in the surrounding areas.”

“To answer the question”.

It is necessary to give testimony, to the prosecutor's "knee kel, so far as much as possible, knee kelelel kelelel, and to threaten by entering a monel next to it, and making it clear of time.

A letter of complaint was prepared to the public service center of the former Eup/Myeon police station in order to punish false facts, such as testimony and perjury, and submitted it to the public service center of the former Eup/Myeon, and on April 28, 2017, the investigation of the police station of the former Eup/Myeon and the statement statement of the above case was prepared at the office of the first team office in order to make the statement of the above case.

However, in fact, the defendant around November 21, 2015, the above D is one of the above parking lots.