(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2019.07.18 2019고단226



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Criminal facts

1. On November 20, 2017, at a place where it is impossible to identify the place, the Defendant: (a) requested the victim B to purchase Chapter 7 of the right to travel from April 28, 2018 to May 15, 2018 from the victim B to Canada; (b) so, the Defendant was entitled to purchase the air ticket at a low level if he/she pre-sales and issues the air ticket; and (c) to give the victim a right to receive the air ticket if he/she sent money within the period of the right to receive the ticket.”

However, the defendant was in need of approximately KRW 47 million due to navigation expenses and ground fees of the travel business conducted by the defendant company at the time, and even if he received money from the victim under the name of the right of airline tickets, he was thought to use it for the above project cost, and there was no intention or ability to give the victim the right of airline tickets.

On December 26, 2017, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim as above, received 21,490,000 won from the victim to the corporate bank account (C) in the name of the Defendant’s name, under the name of the right to create the right to round-over aviation.

2. 횡령 피고인은 2017. 9. 초순경 피해자 B로부터 2018. 1. 7.부터 2018. 1. 11.까지 인천-콸라룸푸르 간 왕복항공권 150장을 구매해 달라는 요청을 받고 ㈜D와 ㈜E을 통하여 위 항공권 150장을 구매하였는데, 피해자가 그 중 21장에 대한 구매를 취소함에 따라 환불금 13,095,800원이 발생하여, ㈜D로부터 2017. 12. 29. 4,891,800원, 2018. 1. 18. 3,998,500원, ㈜E로부터 2018. 1. 25. 4,205,000원을 피고인 명의 기업은행 계좌(C)로 송금받아 보관하던 중, 그 무렵 성남시 수정구 F건물 G호에 있는 피고인이 근무하던 ㈜H 사무실에서, 위 환불금을 차용금 변제 및 피고인이 진행하던 여행 사업 대금 등의 개인적인 용도로 임의로 소비하여 이를 횡령하였다.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. The police statement concerning B;

1. A complainant;