(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.12.24 2014가단46379



1. The Defendants shall jointly and severally pay to the Plaintiff KRW 30,000,000 and 30% per annum from October 20, 2013 to the date of full payment.


1. Indication of claims: It shall be as shown in attached Form; and

2. The judgment dismissing confession (Article 208(3)2 of the Civil Procedure Act) (Article 208(3)2 of the Civil Procedure Act) only served with a duplicate of the complaint and presented a formal written response, but did not submit a subsequent detailed written response, and did not attend

Defendant C did not appear on the date of pleading without submitting a written answer.

Therefore, the defendants are deemed to have led to the confession of the plaintiff's assertion under Article 150 of the Civil Procedure Act.