(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.07.22 2013가합557672



1. The defendant Loves Co., Ltd. shall deliver to the plaintiff the motor vehicle listed in the attached list No. 2.



1. The plaintiff's assertion

A. On April 30, 2013, the Plaintiff sent a certificate of personal seal impression, etc. to the broker to arrange for a job, and visited a middle-speed trading complex located in B-dong at e-mail. However, the broker was unable to reach a day, and Defendant B and Defendant C obtained a certificate of personal seal impression and a certificate of personal seal impression from the Plaintiff, and used the vehicle in the attached Table No. 1 of the attached Table No. 2 owned by Defendant B (hereinafter “instant vehicle”).

(A) The Plaintiff’s automobile transfer certificate (Evidence A) to purchase KRW 18,800,000 and the Defendant Hyundai Capital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Hyundai Capital”)

(2) On May 20, 2013, the Plaintiff issued the Plaintiff’s seal imprint certificate after hearing the phrase that “if the Plaintiff purchased a new car and then entered in a logistics company, he/she may increase the monthly income of KRW 5 to 6 million.” On the same day, the lending broker issued the Plaintiff’s seal imprint certificate with respect to the new loan (hereinafter “new car”) indicated in the attached Table No. 2 (2) of the Plaintiff’s name in the name of the Defendant Hyundai Capital Capital Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant Hyundai Capital”). However, on May 20, 2013, the Plaintiff did not receive the instant high-ranking vehicle from Defendant B and C. However, the Plaintiff did not receive the instant high-ranking vehicle.” On the same day, around May 20, 2013, he/she prepared the Plaintiff’s new loan management agreement with Defendant 300,000 won on the loan of the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff’s new loan of KRW 40,000,000,000.

However, the Plaintiff did not receive the instant difference.

B. The Plaintiff claiming the confirmation of the existence of the obligation is the Defendant Hyundai Capital.