(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.02.21 2016나19043



1. The defendant's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Defendant.

Purport of claim and appeal



1. Facts of recognition;

A. The relevant Defendant, around March 14, 2016, is a type of H’s employee who was in charge of the occupation of the instant marina, while taking over and operating the first and second floor of the building located in Seoul Special Metropolitan City FF (hereinafter “instant marina”) from E, and was in charge of the occupation of the instant marina.

H introduced the Plaintiff to the Defendant.

A person who is assigned to the Plaintiff, and the Plaintiff is the transferee of the instant marina business from the Defendant.

B. On May 20, 2016, the Defendant transferred the instant marina business to the Plaintiff on May 20, 2016, and agreed to pay KRW 100 million (on May 20, 2016, KRW 10 million (on June 15, 2016, KRW 45 million, and KRW 5 million on July 5, 2016) to the Defendant (hereinafter “instant transfer contract”).

)을 체결하였는데, ① 이 사건 양도계약 이전에 체납된 공과금과 밀린 직원들 급여(점장 H의 밀린 임금은 H가 스스로 포기함) 8,792,000원은 피고가 부담하고(원고가 피고 대신 위 공과금과 직원들 급여를 집행하여 피고에게 지급할 1억 원의 양수대금에서 공제하기로 함), ② 체납된 월 차임 18,700,000원 및 이 사건 양도계약일까지 확인된 정산금 및 물품외상대금 등 채무 134,173,325원{= ㉠ E 상품대 잔금 36,664,035원 ㉡ 해태아이스크림 정산금액 29,963,240원 ㉢ ㈜ 샘아이앤티 정산금액 16,546,050원 ㉣ I 명의의 CS 미불금 10,000,000원 ㉤ I, 피고의 시설자금 41,000,000원}은 원고가 부담하며, ③ 그 외에 이 사건 양도계약 당시에 모르는 외상채무 등이 나오면 이는 피고가 부담하기로 하고(이 점에 관하여는 아래

2. Paragraph (b) and (4) The Plaintiff agreed to take over the claim for the refund of the lease deposit of the instant marina, and the Plaintiff entered into a new lease agreement with the lessor on May 23, 2016. (2) The Plaintiff and the Defendant.