(영문) 대전지방법원 홍성지원 2015.10.06 2015고합23



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete a sexual assault treatment program for 80 hours.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant left the victim C’s mother-friendly D and B from around 2010 to the end of December 2014, and resided together in his residence.

1. On August 2010, the Defendant: (a) placed the victim’s mother at the victim’s home in Bohyeong-si E (at that time, 13 years old); (b) placed the victim on the door, “I do not know that I do not know that I do not do it, I do not do so; and (c) placed the victim on the door, “I do not know that I do not do it, I do not do so”; and (d) placed the victim’s sleep on the part of the victim’s home in Bohyeong-si, Bohyeong-si (at that time), cut off his panty, and committed an indecent act by force by force.

2. On August 2010, the Defendant, at the places indicated in the above paragraph (1) above at the end of the middle o’clock, worked at the victim’s mother (the age of 13) and creshed in the house to drink the victim’s mind to force indecent act by force, and opened a television with the victim’s inside, and opened the victim’s panty, and opened the victim’s panty, put the victim’s hand into the victim’s panty, and forced to commit an indecent act by force.

3. The Defendant, at around 07:00 on November 1, 2010, committed an indecent act by inserting his/her fingers into the victim’s inner part and forcing him/her to commit an indecent act by force, by inserting his/her fingers into the victim’s room that he/she was locked with the victim (at that time, 13 years of age) at his/her dwelling where he/she resided together with the F in Bocheon-si F.

4. On August 19, 201, at around 19:00 to 20:00, the Defendant committed an indecent act by force by using the gap in which the mother of the victim (the 14-year-old age at that time) was protruding, by drinking the victim’s mind to force indecent act by force, and entering the victim’s room, and inserting his hand into the victim’s inner part, thereby making the part of the sound above panty.

5. On September 21, 201, the Defendant, while drinking alcohol at the places indicated in the above paragraph (3) above, was at the victim’s mother at work and was at work and was at work without any reason in his house, was at the victim’s mind to force indecent act by compulsion.