(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2017.08.22 2016가합566264



1. The Defendant’s KRW 175,062,460 for the Plaintiff and KRW 5% per annum from September 18, 2015 to August 22, 2017.


1. Basic facts

A. The parties 1) The defendant is a medical specialist of sexual surgery, and is a DNA sexual surgery in Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter "the hospital of this case").

2) The Plaintiff is a person operating the instant hospital from May 2015 to the face E on September 18, 2015, while working as an Internet website designer belonging to the instant hospital from around May 2015.

B. On September 2015, in order to expand the area of diagnosis and treatment while the Defendant purchased a rash machine (hereinafter “instant machine”) from the part of the hospital in this case for the purpose of purchasing her mother and child cream equipment to carry out racing operations using the said machine (hereinafter “the instant machine”), and upon completing the medical graduate school course on February 2015, E was less working at another place before the Defendant was employed. However, the Defendant did not obtain the qualification certificate, etc. of the nacist subject to imposition.

다. 원고에 대한 레이저 시술 시행 경과 1) E은 2015. 9. 18. 오후경 원고를 비롯하여 이 사건 병원에 근무하던 여러 직원들이 참여하고 있던 카카오톡 단체 채팅방에 이 사건 기계를 이용한 레이저 시술을 시험적으로 무료 시행받을 사람을 모집한다는 내용의 글을 게시하였다. 2) 이에 따라 원고는 같은 날 근무시간 종료 무렵 E으로부터 얼굴에 이 사건 기계를 이용한 레이저 시술(이하 ‘이 사건 레이저 시술’이라 한다)을 시행받았는데, 위 시술 시행 직후부터 36군데의 시술 부위가 움푹 파이고 진물이 계속 흘러나오는 이상 증상이 발생하였다.

3 E appeals to the above symptoms on the day of the above procedure, and the plaintiff is another doctor working for the defendant and the hospital of this case.