(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.07.23 2014고단4609



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Around December 26, 1994, at around 12:25, the Defendant violated the restriction on the operation of vehicles by a road management agency by operating the CF to the 2 2 2 10.6t, 3 11.2t cargo loaded on the 3 3 3 10t, in excess of 10t of the limitation on the load weight of the CF owned by the Defendant with respect to the Defendant’s business.

2. In the Constitutional Court Decision 201Hun-Ga24 Decided December 29, 201, the Constitutional Court rendered a decision of unconstitutionality on the part that "if an agent, employee or other worker of a corporation commits an offense under Article 84 subparagraph 1 in connection with the business of the corporation, a fine under the corresponding Article shall also be imposed on the corporation," which is retroactively invalidated under the proviso of Article 47 (2) of the Constitutional Court Act, which is applied by a prosecutor to the facts charged in this case.

3. According to the conclusion, the facts charged in this case constitute a crime, and thus, is acquitted pursuant to the former part of Article 325 of the Criminal Procedure Act.