(영문) 수원지방법원 2019.12.12 2019구합60982



1. The defendant shall pay to the plaintiffs the total amount of money stated in the claim column in attached Table 2 and each of them.


1. Details, etc. of ruling;

A. 1) On February 8, 2017, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced publicly by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, F Co., Ltd. and Defendant-affiliated, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and Seoul Regional Land Management (related to project management and site compensation) as project implementers, and I (hereinafter referred to as “instant motorway”) at the section of 18.3 km from Y to H from Y in terms of harmony.

(1) The J Project (hereinafter referred to as the “instant Project”) establishing

(2) The Plaintiffs owned each of the pertinent land stated in the “land before subdivision” in paragraph (1) of the attached Table No. 1 of the same Act, but each of the pertinent land stated in the “land acquired” in paragraph (1) of the same Table (hereinafter “each of the instant incorporated land”) was incorporated into the instant project district in accordance with the public notice of February 8, 2017, and thus, the relevant land was thereby incorporated into the instant project district, and thus, remaining without the incorporation of each of the pertinent land indicated in the “land remaining” (hereinafter “each of the instant remaining land”).

B. On May 10, 2018, the Central Land Expropriation Decision 1 of the Central Land Expropriation Committee (hereinafter “Central Land Expropriation Decision”) filed a claim with the Central Land Expropriation Committee for the expropriation of each remaining land of this case or for the compensation for losses arising from price reduction, along with the compensation for losses arising from the expropriation of each of the incorporated land of this case. 2) On May 10, 2018, the Central Land Expropriation Committee rendered a ruling of expropriation that dismissed the claim for compensation due to the expropriation of each of the remaining land of this case and the price reduction.

C. On December 20, 2018, the Central Land Expropriation Committee (hereinafter “Central Land Expropriation Committee”) raised the amount of compensation for losses of each incorporated land of this case in line with the reality. The Plaintiffs asserted that compensation for losses incurred due to the reduction of the price of each remaining land of this case shall be paid, and raised an objection against the said adjudication of expropriation. 2) The Central Land Expropriation Committee (hereinafter “Central Land Expropriation Committee”) filed an objection on December 20, 2018.