(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.09.09 2016노2889



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The sentence imposed by the lower court (one year and two months of imprisonment) on the gist of the grounds of appeal is too unreasonable.

2. Determination of the facts that the defendant made a confession of the crime of this case while committing the crime of this case, there are favorable circumstances such as the fact that the victim of the obstruction of duty does not want the punishment of the defendant. However, in light of addiction to narcotics and harm caused by administration of narcotics, it is necessary to strictly punish and eradicate the crime of this case. The defendant has the record of punishment ten times including imprisonment for the same crime of this case. In particular, on July 3, 2014, the defendant was sentenced by the Busan District Court for the same crime of this case on June 23, 2015 and was sentenced for one year and two months, and he committed the crime of this case without being informed of the fact that the execution of the punishment of this case was completed, and that the defendant administered phiphones and expressed a disturbance in the situations of exchange, which shows that there was no harm or danger of the crime of this case related to narcotics, and that there was no change in the guidelines for punishment of this case of imprisonment for the same crime of this case of this case of this case of this case of this case of this case of 1 year or more than three years.