(영문) 전주지방법원군산지원 2015.11.27 2014가단4052



1. The Defendants remove the buildings listed in No. 2 of the attached list of real estate to the Plaintiff, and set out in No. 1 of the same list.


1. In relation to the inheritance shares of the building listed in No. 2 of the annexed list of real estate in the land ownership subject to the request for the indication of the claim, reference is to the annexed list of inheritance shares of the Defendants.

On the other hand, mediation has already been established between the plaintiff, G and H, which can be said to be the substantial parties.

2. Applicable provisions;

(a) Defendant B, C, D, and E: Article 208(3)2, and Article 150(3) (a) of the Civil Procedure Act

(b) Defendant F: Article 208(3)3 of the Civil Procedure Act (Decision by public notice);