2014Da54717 Claims
Construction Financial Cooperative
Daejeon High Court Decision 2013Na3406 decided July 11, 2014
September 10, 2015
The judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to Daejeon High Court.
The grounds of appeal are examined.
1. 원심은, 제1심판결 이유를 인용하여 B 주식회사(이하 'B'이라고 한다)는 원고와 사이에 2006. 9. 15. 및 2008. 9. 10. 두 차례에 걸쳐 원고로부터 각종 보증 및 융자를 제공받기로 하는 보증, 융자거래약정(이하 '이 사건 각 약정'이라고 한다)을 각 체결하고, B의 대표이사로 재직하던 C가 이 사건 각 약정에 의하여 B이 원고에게 부담하게 될 구상금채무를 연대보증한 사실, 이 사건 각 약정 제11조에 의하면 약정인이 건설업 등록말소처분을 받은 경우 사전통지나 최고 없이 모든 채무의 기한이익이 상실되고(제 1항 제1호), 약정인의 융자금이 연체되는 경우 원고가 10일의 기간을 정한 최고를 함으로써 모든 채무의 기한이익이 상실되며(제2항 제4호), 약정인 및 연대보증인은 이의 없이 사전상환채무를 부담하기로 정한 사실, 원고는 B을 위하여 2007, 9. 19.부터 2009. 4. 2.까지 사이에 이 사건 각 약정에 따라 ① 보증채권자 사회복지법인 E(계약명 'D요양원 증축공사 중 철근콘크리트공사, 보증금액 1,966,551원, 보증기간 2007. 9. 17.부터 2012. 9. 16.까지), ② 보증채권자 경기도 교육청(계약명 'F 골프연습장증축공사 중 철근콘크리트공사', 보증금액 1,838,921원, 보증기간 2008. 9. 30.부터 2013. 9. 29.까지), ③ 보증채권자 김포시(계약명 '김포시 G 신축공사 중 철근콘크리트공사 및 주요자재', 보증금액 9,519,410원, 보증기간 2008. 10. 29.부터 2013. 10. 28. 까지), () 보증채권자 재단법인 H유지재단(계약명 'H종교단체 I교회 종합교육관 증축공사 중 철골철근콘크리트공사', 보증금액 29,695,000원, 보증기간 2008. 10, 29.부터 2018. 10. 28.까지), ⑤ 보증채권자 재단법인 H유지재단(계약명 'H종교단체 교회 종합교육관 증축공사 중 철골철근콘크리트공사', 보증금액 41,562,858원, 보증기간 2008. 10. 29.부터 2013. 10. 28.까지), 6 보증채권자 J종교단체 K교회(계약명 'J종교단체 K교회 신축공 사', 보증금액 62,700,000원, 보증기간 2009. 2. 27.부터 2012. 2. 26.까지)에 대하여 총 6건의 하자보수보증(보증금액 합계 147,282,740원)을 한 사실, L 주식회사(이하 'L'이라고 한다)는 2009. 5. 6. B을 분할합병하면서, 2009. 6. 5. 원고에게 B의 원고에 대한 일체의 채무를 중첩적으로 인수하고, L의 대표이사인 피고는 C가 연대보증한 채무를 승계하기로 하는 내용의 채무승계확인서를 제출한 사실, L은 2010. 4. 23. 상호를 주식회사 M(이하 'M'이라고 한다)로 변경하였는데, M은 2011. 6. 22. 원고와 사이에 이 사건 각 약정과 동일한 내용의 보증 · 융자거래약정을 체결하고, 위 보증 · 융자거래약정에 따라 2011. 6. 27. 원고로부터 220,000,000원을 융자하였다가, 2012. 2. 21.경 위 융자금의 이자를 3회 이상 연체하여 그 무렵 원고로부터 기한이익 상실 예고 통지를 받은 사실, 한편, M은 폐업사실이 확인되어 2012. 12, 7. 토목건축업 등록이 말소된 사실을 인정하였다.
In addition, based on these factual relations, the court below may not exercise the right of prior reimbursement solely on the ground that the cause under Article 11(1)1 and (2)4 of the Agreement remains a long-term guarantee creditor, for which the parties can exercise the right of prior reimbursement under the additional agreement. However, in the case of the Civil Act, either in either case under the agreement of the parties, or in order for the guarantor to exercise the prior reimbursement against the principal debtor (joint guarantor) to exercise the right of prior reimbursement against the guarantee creditor, it should be realizing at least the risk of the occurrence. The guarantor should bear the guarantee obligation to the guarantee creditor at the time of recourse, and the occurrence may not be realized immediately without proof that there is a possibility that the guarantee creditor should bear the first guarantee obligation. After the premise, the court below rejected the Plaintiff’s prior reimbursement right solely on the ground that there is no possibility that the guarantee creditor would have been a long-term guarantee creditor to exercise the prior reimbursement obligation against the Plaintiff. Even if there is no possibility that the Plaintiff had already been a guarantee creditor’s prior reimbursement claim under the Act, the remainder of each of the Framework Act on Construction Industry expires.
2. However, according to the records, each of the instant agreements provides for the same provision as Article 11 (1) 1 of the Civil Act by expanding the grounds for exercising the right to demand a prior reimbursement under Article 442 (1) of the Civil Act. The purport of the agreement is to allow the plaintiff to secure a prior reimbursement right immediately in the event a primary debtor mainly loses economic credit, etc. (see Supreme Court Decision 2002Da1673, May 31, 2002). Thus, in the instant case, since the cancellation of the registration of the primary debtor's construction business and the causes for exercising the prior reimbursement right under each of the instant agreements have occurred due to the cancellation of the registration of the primary debtor's construction business, the guarantee accident under each of the instant agreements was not occurred during the guarantee period or unless it is proved that there was no possibility that the said guarantee accident occurred during the said period in light of social norms, the plaintiff can immediately claim a prior payment of the guaranteed amount to the guarantee creditor when a guarantee accident against the defendant, a guarantor, occurs (see Supreme Court Decision 2004Da38434, 384.
Nevertheless, the lower court rejected the Plaintiff’s claim for the exercise of the right to demand a prior reimbursement on the ground that the secured creditor has no evidence to acknowledge that the secured creditor claimed the repair of defects against the principal debtor or that it is difficult to know it, without examining the occurrence of a guarantee accident as stipulated in each of the instant agreements during the guarantee period, or the possibility of occurrence thereof. In so doing, the lower court erred by misapprehending the relevant legal doctrine, thereby failing to exhaust all necessary deliberations, thereby adversely affecting the conclusion of the judgment. The allegation in the grounds of appeal assigning this error is with merit.
3. Therefore, the lower judgment is reversed, and the case is remanded to the lower court for further proceedings consistent with this Opinion. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices on the bench.
Justices Park Young-young
Justices Min Il-young
Justices Kim Jae-han
Chief Justice Kim Jong-il