(영문) 대구지방법원 2021.01.20 2020고단4104




A Imprisonment with prison labor for one year, and for six months, each of the defendants B.

, however, from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant A 2020 group 4104 - On February 21, 2019, the defendant A introduced the victim C with "one-day worker on a D construction site, etc." by telephone from the victim C at a remote place on February 21, 2019, an advance payment of KRW 5.4 million per month shall result in profits of KRW 30 million per day.

It is expected to guarantee the profits of 30,000 won per day from the lending of the above deposit.


However, the defendant did not introduce a worker on a daily basis around that time, and even if he borrowed money from the victim, he was thought to be used for debt repayment, gambling, etc., and there was no intention or ability to pay the victim the proceeds and the principal.

On February 21, 2019, the Defendant, by deceiving the victim, received 1,400,000 won from the victim’s E bank account under the name of the Defendant, from the victim, and received 68,30,000 won in total over 13 times from around that time to October 1, 2019, as stated in the list of crimes in the attached Form.

"200 Highest 5140"

1. The Defendants conspired to commit a joint crime with the victim F to receive money under the pretext of stock investment or loan by deceiving “to pay a high dividend or interest” to the victim F.


A, on June 15, 2019, in Daegu Frangu, phone calls from the victim and made a false statement on the part of “B to pay dividends if there is any money in its possession,” i.e., making an investment and receiving dividends, and i.e., receiving high interest.”

However, in fact, Defendant B did not have to pay money through stock investment, and even if the Defendants did not borrow money from the damaged party due to the absence of a certain amount of income, the Defendants did not have any intent or ability to pay the money.

Nevertheless, on June 18, 2019, the Defendants received 10,000,000 won from the injured party to the corporate bank account in the name of Defendant B as the borrowed money.