(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2013.12.30 2013고단799




A Imprisonment of eight months, Defendant B’s imprisonment of eight months, and Defendant C’s fine of one thousand won, respectively.

Defendant .


Punishment of the crime

Defendants B and Defendant A are joint owners who operate a trade name ‘F' on the first floor of the building E in Gyeongnam-si, and Defendant C is a person who works for the above multi-party as an employee.

Criminal facts

1. Defendant B and Defendant A

A. Although the business operator or employee of a food service business place violating the Food Sanitation Act received money and valuables in return for the required time outside of the business place, or the business operator did not encourage or impliedly encourage the act of his employee, the Defendants employed female employees to send the so-called “Tket” to the female customers, and sentenced them to engage in the business by sending the female employees to the place they want, and by receiving the price of time required for sending them to the place they want.


B From April 15, 2009, from May 15, 2011 to April 03:40, 201, Defendant A had employees of the said multilateral bank, G, H, etc. receive KRW 30,00,00 per hour for a week in return for the time required from the infertility customers, and KRW 10,000 per hour for a night.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to cause employees to receive money in return for time outside the business place, or encourage or impliedly encourage employees to do this act.

B. Despite the fact that the Defendants did not accept money, valuables and other property benefits against an unspecified person in violation of the Act on the Punishment of Arrangement of Commercial Sex Acts, Etc. or arrange commercial sex acts in return for promising to do so, the Defendants had a male grandchild who seeks to employ a female employee to engage in commercial sex acts, and had him/her do his/her business by sending his/her employee to a place that they want to wish to do commercial sex acts.

On April 11, 2013, the Defendants are the trade name in Jinnam-do from the male grandchildren whose names cannot be known to the Defendants at the same level, around 01:00.