(영문) 의정부지방법원 2016.06.16 2015고정2238



The prosecution of this case is dismissed.


The acquittal portion

1. On March 30, 2015, around 00:20, the Defendant: (a) reported that D’s czera 301 on his/her own ship line E and drinking water are being wraped; and (b) had D’s hand floor cleeped twice with his/her hand, knick, etc.; (c) suffered injury, such as an excellent part of the 4-month bar, which requires treatment for about 6 weeks, which was damaged by the Defendant, such as an excellent part of the 4-month bar, which requires treatment.

2. The defendant's assertion of the defendant and his/her defense counsel is only when he/she saw D's her son as his/her hand floor twice, and there is no her son, etc. and face face her son. Thus, there is no relation between the defendant's act and the injury of the defendant, such as the main body of the D's 4 middle water frame, the body of the body of the body of the body of the d

3. In light of the following circumstances, it is difficult to believe that the statements from D, F’s courts and investigative agencies as shown in the facts charged of the injury are consistent with the facts charged, and the remaining evidence alone is insufficient to recognize the facts charged of the injury, and there is no other evidence to acknowledge it.

① The D made a statement to the effect that “the Defendant intending to see the Defendant’s part of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of her course of kne and knee.”

② The D’s mother F made a statement in the court to the effect that “I got her grandchildren immediately after the D was faced with the Defendant, and were suffering from her fingers,” but G and H stated that “D did not appeal the pain of her grandchildren at the time, and met her face and her face from the Defendant.”

“The statement was made to this effect.”

3. D With respect to the scambling of scams, “F has broken the scams by scambling the scams, scambling the scams,” and the scamscams in the scams, but the scamscams are significant in this context