(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2014.02.10 2013고합107



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for four years.

The defendant's disclosure of information to the public shall be made through an information and communications network for ten years.


Criminal facts

and the facts constituting the cause of the attachment order [criminal facts]

1. Violation of the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Indecent Acts such as Minors under 13 years of age) and the person subject to a request to attach an attachment order (hereinafter “defendants”) came to know of the victim F (11 years of age) and G (11 years of age) who had a stable in E located in D at a spring of 2011, and came to know of the stable with the victims, and came to know of the victim F (11 years of age) and G (11 years of age). The victims want to have his/her cell phone numbers known to the victim F after having been approaching the victims of money or drinking water.

On August 8, 2011, the Defendant: (a) was called from the Victim F to drink the boarding of the vessel; and (b) was flicked in the north-gu, North Korea-si, North Korea-si, North Korea-si; (c) caused the Victim F and G to drink at one’s home; and (d) was killed in the taxi that he was driving.

On the same day, the defendant arrived at the defendant's house in North-gu I 403, North-gu I 403, and stated that "the victim is suffering from considerable dust, so panty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spanty spans the victim F to report the victims who suffered from the panty spanty spanty spanty, and forced the victim F to put the victim F into a spande spande spande, put the victim F into a spande spande, put the victim F into the victim F's spande spande, and put the victim F into the victim F's spande spande span span sty on the victim F.

The defendant continued to be on the part of the victim G to be on the part of the victim G, and then placed the victim G on the part of the bed, to prevent the victim G from leaving the bed, and put the victim G into the inside of the victim G, put the panty of the victim G, exceeded the victim G, and exceeded the panty of the victim G.