(영문) 의정부지방법원 2013.10.08 2012고단1514 (2)



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

On May 12, 2010, the Defendant was sentenced by the Seoul Western District Court for larceny for eight months and completed the enforcement of the sentence on December 6, 2010. On December 6, 2010, the Defendant purchased a large number of long-term insurance through C, D, E, F, G and intentionally, and conspired to collect insurance money by claiming for insurance money from insurance companies on the basis of this, even though he did not have any bodily injury to the point of receiving hospital treatment due to the above accident, despite having caused a large number of long-term insurance through C, D, E, F, G and intentionally minor traffic accidents, and did not have any injury to the point of receiving hospital treatment.

F around December 29, 2010, around 20:30 on the H apartment, F caused a self-confiscing traffic accident by intentionally shocking the telegraph of the way way while driving a car by burning the Defendant, D, and E on the I Stop car in the vicinity of H apartment at Yangju-si.

The Defendant, D, E, and F reported an insured accident to the insurance companies affiliated with each of the above insurance companies even though they did not have any injury to the extent that they should receive hospitalized treatment at any time due to minor accidents, and the Defendant and D reported the insured accident to the hospital, and the Defendant and D met with the K Hospital located in the J in Yang-si, Yang-si, the Gyeonggi-si, and E met with the Ma Hospital located in the Gyeonggi-si, and even if there is no injury at the time of the accident, and there is no anything such as the depression of the results of the inspection at the hospital, they immediately resist the doctor

Ultimately, the Defendant, by deceiving the insurance company as above, received total of KRW 5,868,730 in terms of the name of medical expenses, etc. from the damage insurance, LIG damage insurance, Eastern fire, Mtsz fire, and AIA life insurance. D receives total of KRW 3,980,990 in terms of Chinese indemnity insurance, MIG damage insurance, MIG damage insurance, LIG damage insurance, and AI life insurance, and E receives total of KRW 12,99,170 in terms of the name of medical expenses, etc. from the damage insurance, modern sea, modern sea, Samsung Fire, Samsung MIG damage insurance, LIG damage insurance, Donggm fire, and AIA life insurance.