(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2016.02.17 2015고단1942




A Imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of 3,000,000 won.


B The above fine.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A

A. On September 14, 2015, the Defendant was driving a vehicle in C Sspopo-type without a driver’s license in approximately 7km section from the vicinity of the Ansan-ro 28-ro 54, Annyang-gu, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-ro, Annyang-si, Annyang-si, Annyang-do, ann

B. On September 14, 2015, at around 08:25, the Defendant also driven the said SP car without a driver’s license as set forth in paragraph (1) of the above paragraph, and turn to the left at the right angle of the front 25-way road from the front side of the front school at the front of the front school at the front of the front school at the front of the front school at the front of the front school.

D The left side of the pertinent car was shocked by the left side of the said car, and the fact of the accident was reported to the police and received a request for attendance from the police station, and the Defendant’s company located in the Gu E during the 13:00 of the same day by phone call from the Defendant to B to conceal the fact of driving without a license as above, and driving the said car at the police station on its behalf.

By asking and asking for the statement, B had the intention to make a false confession.

On September 14, 2015, around 20:40 on September 14, 2015, the Defendant appeared at the police station guard and the traffic investigation team office located in Ansan-ro 63, Manyang-gu, Manyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-ro, and made and submitted a false statement with him as a driver of the said vehicle.

As a result, the defendant instigated the above B to escape a person who committed a crime corresponding to a fine or heavier punishment.

2. On September 14, 2015, Defendant B was present at the office of the police station guards and the traffic investigation team office located in the Manyang-gu, Manyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-si, and the Defendant was driving the said car at the request of the said A, even though he did not drive the Cice-gu car on the 25th road at Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Annyang-gu, Ann