(영문) 부산지방법원 2012.09.27 2011고단4949



A person shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not less than two years and six months with prison labor for the crimes of No. 2 as stated in the judgment of the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

On January 30, 2008, the Defendant was sentenced to four months of imprisonment for fraud at the Busan District Court on February 18, 2008, and the judgment became final and conclusive on February 18, 2008, and completed the execution of the punishment at the Busan Detention Center on March 17, 2008.

"2011 Highest 4949"

1. No one shall make an agreement to pay the total amount of contributions or an amount in excess thereof in the future without obtaining authorization, permission, making registration, or making a report under Acts and subordinate statutes, and shall receive the contributions without delay;

On June 2, 2008, the defendant shall pay 125,000 won per share to the victim E in the office D office of the 8th floor of the Busan B-gu Office of the 8th floor of the building in Busan, and if he makes a re-investment, he shall pay 120,000 won per share to the victim E until 120% of the principal, and if he makes a re-investment, he shall pay 125,00 won per share to 60% of the principal.

“A contracting party” was given KRW 3 million under the pretext of investment.

However, unless there are special circumstances such as raising investment returns in excess of 100% or raising new members who reach several times of the existing members and receiving money for their new investments continuously from victims, there was no intention or ability to pay the money until the amount reaches 120 to 150% of the principal.

In addition, from June 2, 2008 to July 25, 2008, the Defendant deceptioned victims as shown in the annexed crime list, and received a total of KRW 543,500,000 by the same method over 347 occasions, and performed the act of receiving money without delay.

"2011 Highest 6338"

2. No one shall make an agreement to pay the total amount of investments or an amount in excess thereof in the future without obtaining authorization or permission, or making registration or a report, etc. under Acts and subordinate statutes, and shall receive the investments without delay.

The defendant around August 8, 2007, at the G office of the 601 U.S. F building in Busan-gu, Busan-gu, Busan-gu, the victim H(50,000 won per one unit).