(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2018.04.17 2018고단603




A Imprisonment for one year, and each of the defendants B shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months.


Punishment of the crime


A On November 3, 2017, the Incheon District Court was prosecuted for fraud and is currently pending in the first instance trial.

1. The Defendants are co-offenders who commit the crime.


B In a relationship that is difficult to purchase a vehicle under the name of a person with bad credit standing, B received a loan under the name of another person and used a high-priced vehicle in the opportunity to purchase and operate the vehicle for living expenses by taking the loan more than the vehicle price, and received the loan from the victim E through the social post-age D, and received the consent to purchase the vehicle in the name of the victim, and then requested the introduction of the vehicle to receive a large amount of the loan from the defendant A, a mid- and long-term driver, and made a solicitation to purchase the vehicle in the name of the victim. The defendant A received the loan under the name of the victim with the knowledge that he was unable to transfer the vehicle in the name of another person or to repay the loan even if the defendant B received the loan under the name of the victim, and had the victim make a public offering to the effect that he would immediately transfer the vehicle in the name of another person and make the loan to the victim and make the loan to the victim share the loan in the name of the victim.

A. On July 11, 2017, Defendant A, at the pc room near the Ansan University located in the Masan-si, Simsan-si, Simsan-si, Simsan-si, the said victim, “I would give a certain amount of money to the said victim at the time of lending the name to purchase the used vehicle with the loan, I would immediately transfer the vehicle under the name of the third party, and will be held liable for the loan.

‘False speech' was made.

However, the facts are different from that of Defendant B, even though he did not repay his debt of KRW 10 million at the time, he was in bad faith.