(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.11.06 2014고단951




A shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months, by imprisonment for one year, by imprisonment for defendant C and D, by imprisonment for four months.

except that this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime


B Around December 1, 2003, a victim company (J) in Yangsan-si, a company located in Gyeongnam-si, which manufactures cing agents, etc., and worked in two research teams of the above research institutes, and was retired on September 30, 2008. The defendant A was employed in the victim company on January 17, 2000 and worked in the two research teams of the above research institutes, and was retired on September 30, 208. The defendant C was retired on September 30, 2008. The defendant C was employed in the victim company on September 17, 1994, and was employed as the head of the chemical quality control team of the current research institutes, and the defendant D was employed in the industrial team at around July 1, 201 and sold the chemical team at around 30,000. The defendant D was employed in the industrial team at around 200.

The defendants stipulate in the victim company's company's bylaws that "any person retired or dismissed shall not divulge to any other person the secrets of the company they acquired while in office." The defendants themselves, as a staff member of the stateJ on August 2004, and in dealing with or using the information and research results, they agree to maintain and comply with the following matters:

1. The principal recognizes that all information assets, such as technical information (Inventions, patents, development, production, etc.) and all trade secrets or other data (hereinafter referred to as "management information"), known to him/her or another person during the period of office, are exclusively owned by the company and have the right to use and dispose of by the company;

2. All management information related to the products shall be treated as confidential expenses;

3. The principal shall not start up a business or have employment or other cooperative relations (Dong, adviser, counsel, etc.) with the same competitive enterprise by utilizing the management information acquired by the company for one year after his retirement;

I have become fully aware of the above contents, and have faithfully fulfilled this obligation.