(영문) 광주지방법원 2018.01.30 2017고단2774



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Criminal facts

1. The Defendant, who forged a private document and carried out the above investigation document, was the omission of the network D, and E was the husband of the network D.

A. In 2016, the Defendant, using a computer, forged D’s apartment lease agreement in the name of D, which is a private document on rights and obligations, by stating that “D, lessee A, security deposit 80 million won, and D shall lease part of the building owned to A from July 5, 2014,” with the intent to submit as evidence of a claim suit against the Defendant by F as to the name of the building related to 103 Dong-dong 1209, G, Gwangju, North-gu, Seoul, which was brought by F against the Defendant.” Then, the Defendant forged D’s apartment lease agreement in the name of D, which is a private document on the rights and obligations by sealing D’s seal on July 5, 2014.