(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.12.23 2014가합575226



1. The Defendants are jointly and severally and severally liable to the Plaintiff for KRW 2,101,407,923 and KRW 500,00,000 among them. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 25789, Oct. 15, 2014>


1. Indication of claim;

A. The Korea Development Bank (hereinafter “Korea Development Bank”) concluded seven loans from August 1994 to May 197 with Defendant A as follows, and loaned each corresponding amount to the above Defendant (hereinafter “each of the loans in this case”) (hereinafter “each of the above loans”) and Defendant B jointly and severally guaranteed obligations arising from each of the above loans that Defendant A bears to Nonparty A.

Serial loan (won) 1 General loan loan 80,000,000 general loan 149,000,000,000 general loan 100,000 general loan 150,000,000 general loan 66,427,05,000 general loan 7 general loan 66,427,054 combination 707,822,7000

B. On January 29, 199, the non-party bank transferred all of the claims held by the non-party bank against the defendant A in accordance with the above loan agreement to the plaintiff, and at that time notified the defendants of the assignment of claims.

C. Since then, the plaintiff filed a lawsuit against the defendants against the defendant as Seoul Central District Court 2004Gahap82008, and on January 12, 2005, the above court rendered a judgment that "The defendants jointly and severally paid US$ 112,931 to the plaintiff, USD 1,759, KRW 181,279, and KRW 707,822,700 to the defendant A from September 14, 2004 to October 28, 2004, and KRW 19% per annum until November 1, 2004, and KRW 20% per annum from the next day to the date of full payment." The above judgment became final and conclusive at that time.

The Defendants did not pay the Plaintiff. The principal and interest of the Plaintiff’s loan to the Defendants at the time of October 14, 2014 are as follows.

Defendant B B 149,000 general loan 256,316,277,2777,316,277,316,277,325,602,625,602,938 Defendant B 3 general loan 149,000,000 general loan loan 146,316,277,336,316,277,277,277, and277 Defendant B 3 general loan 149,60,602,938,625,602,938,938.