(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.08.08 2018고단913




A Imprisonment with prison labor for two years and for ten months, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

G It is the total responsibility for committing the crime of “work loan” under the title of “work loan” by submitting it to the financial company and submitting it to the financial company, as if the person wishing to obtain a large amount of money temporarily in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Daejeon, and Daegu received regular benefits from the transfer of passbooks, official certificate, mobile phone, credit card, etc. for several months, making the details of the account transaction as if he/she received regular benefits, and paying health insurance premiums as if he/she is an employee working for an old-age corporation who is not actually operated.


A, along with H, I, etc., recruited loan holders in charge of the role of false workers and lessees in Incheon, Daegu, etc. from among those who wish to obtain a large amount of money in Incheon, Daegu, etc., and prepare their passbooks, official certificates, mobile phones, credit cards, etc. to provide them to the above G, and provide them with necessary documents, and give the loan holders the method corresponding to the actual inspection and investigation by the financial company and the investigation agency, and then distribute the loan out to the loan holders.


B. Defendant J, despite being aware that it is impossible to lend a loan normally in its name, in collusion with “work loan” brokers, shall issue to the recruitment book a passbook, an official certificate, and a copy of identification card, etc. necessary for the loan, and if the loan is made in its own name, the applicant for the loan shall be the lender who is to receive

1. Defendant A and Defendant B proposed a work loan to Defendant B, who was known to the general public around November 2015, and Defendant B consented to the proposal of Defendant A, and around November 3, 201 of the same year, issued to Defendant B a passbook of K Bank (Account Number L) and a credit card, official certificate, and identification card copy, etc. to Defendant A, and Defendant A delivers this to H, and H delivers it again to G from that point to that point.