(영문) 인천지방법원 2019.09.18 2018고단9368



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On November 2013, the Defendant proposed a trade business partnership to the victim B, and supplied the victim with large volume of goods to be sold and distributed in Korea from abroad.

1. On March 2014, the Defendant received KRW 7 million in total as the fund for purchase of the instant sexual harassment, such as receiving KRW 4 million from the victim on March 12, 2014 to the City Bank account under the name of the Defendant, by referring to “the request for remittance of the purchase price of sexual harassment in China,” by posting a phone to the victim at a place where he was not a policeman at the beginning of March 2014. However, the Defendant voluntarily consumed it due to personal living expenses, etc. around that time.

2. On March 1, 2015, the Defendant stated, at the coffee shop located in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Gwangjin-gu (Seoul Special Metropolitan City), that “one Starbucks 480 won for the instant case, one thousand won for the instant case, one thousand won for the instant case, and one hundred and sixty million won for the instant case, and one hundred and sixty million won for the instant case, and one hundred and sixty hundred and sixty won for the instant case, which can be purchased from the U.S. and supplied through the form of a friendly club.” However, the Defendant received the money for the purchase of the instant Lonebbbbbbs for personal consumption around that time.”

3. On April 2015, the Defendant sent KRW 10 million to the bank account in the name of the Defendant’s wife, on April 29, 2015, to the victim for the purchase of the instant Lonebbbbbs World Cup, on the mutual influent coffee shop located in Gwangjin-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City, for the purport that “the Defendant would purchase the Lonebbbbbbbs tackbbbbs in the U.S.” to the victim. However, on the other hand, the Defendant voluntarily consumed it for personal living expenses, etc.

Accordingly, the defendant is the sum of the goods entrusted by the victim.