A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.
Punishment of the crime
1. 공무집행방해 및 상해 피고인은 2014. 4. 19. 02:10경 성남시 분당구 정자동 한솔 7단지 한솔마트 상가 앞에서 술에 취하여 지나가는 사람들에게 시비를 걸다가 신고를 받고 출동한 C지구대 소속 경찰관들이 위 상대방들을 귀가시키자 이에 화가 나 위 지구대 소속 경위 D에게 “야 짭새 새끼들아 돈 먹었냐 진도 앞바다에 학새들 뒤진 것 다 니들 때문이다. 새끼들아 니들이 뭔데 저 사람들 마음대로 보내느냐”라고 욕을 하며 출발하려는 순찰차를 막고 자신의 머리를 순찰차 유리창 안으로 들이 미는 등 순찰차의 운행을 방해하고, 이를 만류하는 위 D의 얼굴을 주먹으로 때리고 발로 차 D의 112 신고 처리 등에 관한 정당한 직무집행을 방해함과 동시에 피해자 D에게 치료일수 미상의 치아의 아탈구의 상해를 가하였다.
2. Performance of official duties;
A. The Defendant, due to the act as referred to in the preceding paragraph, committed an act of obstructing the performance of official duties to F, who was arrested as a flagrant offender, and moved to the above C district located in the area E in the patrol area in the area of the patrol area in the same way as that of the patrol area, and took the head of F, “I am spit,” and obstructed F, by taking the head of F, from his own head, several times, the Defendant spit the spit, thereby obstructing F’s 112 reporting and handling of F, and the arrest of a flagrant offender, etc.
B. The Defendant continued to arrive in the said district group while leaving the said district group, and was faced with police officers in the district group, and obstructed the legitimate performance of duties by police officers belonging to the said district group, such as F, by spiting down floods on the books of F, on which the documents were prepared, and viewing spits on the surface of the district group, etc.
C. Even after being transferred to the branch police station, the Defendant had been working on duty after being transferred to G, etc., for the reasons during which he was working on duty, “the same bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit bit son, s