(영문) 창원지방법원진주지원 2016.11.10 2014가단13309



1. The Plaintiff: Sinnam-gun Sinnam-gun 2,662 square meters

A. Changwon District Court subordinate District Court No. 791, Jun. 4, 1991 received on June 4, 1991


A. As seen below, the title title status and ownership relationship indicated on the registry of Gyeong-dong, Chungcheongnam-gun, Gyeong-dong, Chungcheongnam-gun, and Gyeong-dong (hereinafter “the instant land substitution”). Since all the land at issue in this case is in Wi-dong, Gyeong-dong, Gyeong-dong, Gyeong-dong, Gyeong-dong, and Gyeong-dong, the title title status and ownership relationship stated on the registry of each land from this point has been changed as follows [Attachment 1];

[표 1] 표제부 현황 등기 명의인 등기원인 X 답 1,275평 (약 4,215㎡, 최초 토지) 망 Y (1/3 지분) 1966. 8. 30. (소유권보존) Z (1/3 지분) 1966. 8. 30. (소유권보존) AA (1/3 지분) 1966. 8. 30. (소유권보존) AB 1981. 7. 16. (1974. 10. 5. 매매) 분 할 X 답 2,093㎡ (종전 토지) 1991. 6. 4. 농지개량에 의한 분할 (나머지 면적은 AC 답2,122㎡로 분할) ↘↘ ↙ ↘ ↙↙ 망 AD (1/3 지분) 망 AE (1/3 지분) 망 V (1/3 지분) 1991. 6. 4. (1980. 6. 10. 매매) 1991. 6. 4. (1980. 6. 10. 매매) 1991. 6. 4. (1980. 6. 10. 매매) * 구 농촌근대화촉진법에 따른 하동군의 대위등기 환지 S 답 2,662㎡ (환지 후 토지) 1991. 8. 20. 농지개량에 의한 환지 피고 B, C, D(피고 3번), E, F, G, H 2013. 9. 10. (2009. 6. 20. 상속) 피고 O 2016. 2. 16. (2004. 12. 26. 상속 협의분할) AF, AG, AH, AI, AA, AJ, AK, AL 2016. 3. 2. (2016. 3. 2. 증여) 상속인 피고 N, I, J, K, L(피고 11번), M (상속등기 미필) 원ㆍ피고들은 이 사건 토지에 관련된 망인들의 상속인들로, 그 상속관계는 다음 [표 2]와 같다.

[Attachment 2] On February 10, 1978, the deceased’s heir’s deceased deceased deceased deceased Y AD on December 14, 1994, Defendant N, I, J, K, L (Defendant No. 11) on December 14, 1994, M networkV, Defendant B, C, D (Defendant No. 3, U.S.), E, F, G, and H [based] Defendant O, P, Q, R: R No. 1, 4, 5 (including a serial number; hereinafter the same shall apply) on February 10, 197, Defendant D (Defendant No. 3, U.N. 1, 4, 5, 15, 209), the purport of the entire pleadings, as a whole,