(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.05.23 2016고단7501



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not more than ten months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

When the Defendant came to know of the fact that there was an insurance that the daily amount of hospitalization was paid at the time of injury or hospitalization at the time of hospitalization at the end of 2008, or that there was an insurance that provides for the payment of insurance money at the time of long-term hospitalization, the Defendant subscribed to such coverage insurance with intensive care, and received hospitalized treatment as if he had received hospital treatment due to need for long-term hospitalization

Accordingly, on December 3, 2008, the Defendant subscribed to the existing KRB life insurance (hereinafter “the Victim’s Love Insurance”). On April 20, 2009, the Victim’s Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”), and the Victim’s Life Insurance Policy (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”). On April 24, 2009, the Victim’s Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”). One of the Victim’s Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”) (“the Victim’s Life Insurance”).

The Defendant was hospitalized for about 12 days from cate base, etc. due to salt panion, etc. on the ground that the Defendant was in excess of a bicycle from a member of the C Council located in the Dong-gu Incheon Metropolitan City around October 16, 2009 to December 17, 2014.