(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2017.09.14 2017고단1208



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. The summary of the facts charged is a local fire-fighting E official who served as an emergency rescue worker D from May 10, 2012 to July 2015 in the Gangdong-gu Seoul East Fire Station D located in Gangdong-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government as an emergency rescue worker.

On December 16, 2014, around 18:06, the Defendant sent G to the scene of the said accident after receiving a report from 119, and sent G to the G to the G G G G to the G Sung-dong Sung-dong Hospital located in G, Gangdong-gu, Seoul.

1. The Defendant, who prepared a false official document, moved from the F apartment commercial building to the Gangseodong Mental Hospital around December 16, 2014, as above, around December 18:25, 2014

D In the first-aid vehicle of heading 6-4, the fact was stated as "120/70mHg, beer 72 times / minmination, 36.4° 98% of blood pressure, body temperature 36.4%) in the first-aid service activity site for the purpose of demonstrating the contents of first-aid service activities, although there was no fact of measurement of blood pressure, beer, respiratory, body temperature, and oxygen spread."

Accordingly, the defendant prepares a false public document's first aid activity.

2. Exercising any official document prepared in falsity;

A. On December 16, 2014, the Defendant submitted to the staff in charge of the emergency room, who is not aware of the false preparation, a false statement as described in paragraph 1, to the staff in charge of the emergency room, who was not aware of the false preparation, and exercised the emergency room.

B. On December 16, 2014, at around 19:00, the Defendant submitted to a fire-fighting official in charge, who is unable to know the false name, as described in paragraph (1), the first place of the first-aid activities prepared by him/her as described in paragraph (1), and exercised it as if he/she genuinely prepared.

3. At around March 10, 2016, the Defendant appeared as a witness of the Seoul Administrative Court B205, which was located in Seocho-gu Seoul, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Seoul, and took an oath at the court No. 2205, the Seoul Administrative Court No. 2015, 72788, which was located in 193, as the witness, and then the Plaintiff’s agent “actually”.