A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.
10,000 won shall be additionally collected from the defendant.
The provisional payment of the amount equivalent to the above additional charges shall be made.
Punishment of the crime
On June 20, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for a violation of the Narcotics Control Act at the Daegu District Court on the same year for eight months.
9. 30. The Daegu detention center terminated the enforcement of the sentence.
The Defendant, “2015 Senior 5681,” was aware of during the period of April 2015, 2015, and was living together with the Defendant’s house located in Daegu Dong-gu D from May 22, 2015.
Victims E (n.e., on May 2008, on intellectual disability 3), victim F (n.e., on January 201, 201), and victim F (n.e., on January 3, 2010, on intellectual disability 3) are children of C, and victim F is in a situation in which dialogue or communication with others is almost impossible due to self-defluence.
1. Victims F;
A. The Defendant, around June 2015, prevented the victim from inserting his/her fingers into a drafting for his/her fingers.
With respect to the victim, the victim gets her hand and the wall her to be hered.
고 하였고, 피해자가 손을 제대로 들고 있지 않는다는 이유로 화를 내며 발로 피해자의 등을 1회 걷어찼다.
The Defendant committed emotional abuse that may injure the body of a child victim or injure physical health and development of the body, while at the same time, the Defendant committed emotional abuse that may injure the mental health and development of a child victim.
나. 피고인은 2015. 6. 경 위 집 안방에서 피해자가 계속하여 손가락을 빤다는 이유로 화를 내며 나무로 된 효자손으로 피해자의 발바닥을 수회 때렸다.
The Defendant committed emotional abuse that may injure the body of a child victim or injure physical health and development of the body, while at the same time, the Defendant committed emotional abuse that may injure the mental health and development of a child victim.
피고인은 2015. 6. 경 위 집 안방에서 피해자가 계속하여 손가락을 빤다는 이유로 화를 내며 플라스틱으로 된 야구 방망이( 길이 42cm) 로 피해자의 배, 옆구리, 다리를 수회 때렸다.
The defendant shall injure the body of a child victim, or physical health and development.