The defendant shall be innocent.
1. 공소사실의 요지 피고인은 2013. 11. 18. 21:10경 서울 노원구 공릉동 710에 있는 노원문화원 앞에서 지갑을 분실하였다고 112신고를 하였다가 신고를 받고 출동한 서울노원경찰서 C지구대 소속 경찰관인 경위 D, E이 구체적인 피해 경위를 묻자 “내가 112 신고자인데 경찰관 새끼들은 뭘 그렇게 물어보냐”고 욕설을 하며 발로 순찰차 19호(F)의 조수석 앞 문짝 부분을 수회 걷어 차 찌그러지게 하여 수리비 454,153원 상당이 들도록 손괴하였다.
Accordingly, the Defendant damaged the goods used by public offices.
2. On the other hand, there is a written statement prepared by police officers E that the defendant sent a brupt part of the patrol while taking a bath, which corresponds to the above facts charged. However, the following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and investigated by this court, namely, the damaged part at the time, and the police officer's photograph of the patrol vehicle taken off, the police officer still remains unfolded, and it does not seem to have been cut off. The defendant stated that the police officer did not go to the front part of the patrol vehicle, but did not go to the front part of the police, that the police officer arrested him, and did not take a lock. The police officer E dispatched to the scene at the time was arrested by the defendant with a brush, and the parts were not checked by the defendant with a brush and a brush, and the article was found to have been sealed by the defendant's brush and a brush, and the article was written in his estimate and a brush.