(영문) 제주지방법원 2020.01.16 2018가합12793



1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiffs are co-owners of lots E and 9, respectively, at Jeju City D interest rate (hereinafter “D interest rate”), and the defendant is the person who has served the above D interest rate.

Section 6. A resident of this Ri shall have the following obligations, as prescribed in this Section:

1. Obligations to comply with this Note;

3. Duties to protect the village environment;

4. Duties to protect village property;

5. The duties of this Section 14 (Duties) to maintain communities are to:

1.This Chapter represents this Ri, provides dedicated services to property management and the promotion of immigration welfare, takes charge of overall affairs of Ri affairs and shall preside over the Development Committee and the Assembly of Representatives.

Section 17 (Composition of General Meeting) The Assembly shall be composed of representatives pursuant to Section 11(3) and Section 13(3) of this title, taking into account that the circumstances in which it is difficult to participate of all immigration under these circumstances, and shall be divided into an ordinary general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting.

Article 21 (Matters to be Resolved by General Meeting and Procedures for Presentations) The General Meeting shall deliberate and resolve on the following matters:

1. Amendment of this medicine and a resolution of non-Confidence in this Chapter;

2. Election and dismissal under Article 11-2, 4, 5, 6 and 8;

3. Business plans, budget and approval of settlement of accounts;

4. Matters concerning the acquisition and disposal of property; and

5. Matters required by this Chapter or the Development Committee.

6. Bills referred to the Development Committee, the Advisory Committee, and the Gu Council meetings;

7. Other matters which require the deliberation and approval of general meetings shall be established as a basic deliberation and resolution body for the development of this Ri and the transparent administration promotion of the Ri, as prescribed in Article 26 (Libraries Steering Committee).

Article 29 (Functions and Functions of Council)

1.The Development Committee shall reflect the public opinion of interested parties in the administration of Tong/Ris and shall also have advisory, co-support roles and economic responsibilities for the sound development of this Ri, and shall deliberate, resolve and approve:

2. Formulation of business plans, budget and settlement of accounts;

3. Approval of budget trends;

4. Matters delegated by the general meeting;

5. Matters referred to in this Chapter; and