(영문) 특허법원 2017.11.30 2016허6982



1. The decision made by the Intellectual Property Tribunal on August 22, 2016 on the case shall be revoked.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


1. Basic facts

A. The name of the Plaintiff’s patented invention (Evidence 6(1) of the instant patent invention: The filing date/registration date/registration number: April 29, 2014 (No. 16096203) claims (No. 3, 2016), which were finalized by the trial for correction as of December 8, 2016, were corrected.

hereinafter referred to as “instant corrected invention”

【Claim 1】 The body shape of the body(bar) type (hereinafter “entent 1”)

(ii)the voltage generating department transmitting voltages from outside to the outside (hereinafter referred to as “class 2”).

(ii) all voltage transmission cards, consisting of the two voltages, consisting of the combination of X-ray lines with the year X-ray transmission of the voltage generated at the above voltage generating department (hereinafter referred to as “entents 3”).

(ii) the first x-ray in combination with the second x-ray integrated of the above x-ray stations (hereinafter referred to as “class 4”).

(ii)a EXE-ray combination with an open space in which a EXE-ray is fixed, and EXE-ray combination with a year-based EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray combination with a 2 EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray with a EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray combination with a 1 EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray combination with a EXE-ray combination with an extension of a 1 EXE-ray;

(i) The combination of the above EX-ray combined with the above EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the above EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the above EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the EX-ray combined with the

. and on the above-mentioned X-ray support cover, the above-mentioned X-ray combination.