(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2014.09.18 2014고합299



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant is not a narcotics handler.

1. On April 18, 2014, at around 20:00, the Defendant traded marijuana with approximately 100,000 ghnent 10g of marijuana, where the name of the head of Si/Gun/Gu, No. 2, U.S., 2, U.S., and the head of Si/Gun/Gu, was unknown.

2. Around 20:00 on April 20, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana by inserting approximately 0.5g marijuana at the Han River Park parking lot located in Mapo-gu Seoul Metropolitan City, and inserting it into tobacco pipe, attaching a string to a stringer, thereby spreading it.

3. On April 22, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana in a way that sets about 0.5g marijuana at the parking lot for the Han River Park in Han River-gu, the lower court, by inserting it in tobacco pipe, and attaching it to a racker, thereby spreading it.

4. At around 22:00 on April 25, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana by inserting approximately oneg marijuana at the parking lot for the Han River-based Han River Park, inserting it into the pipe of tobacco, and attaching a string with a string with a smoke.

5. On April 27, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana by inserting approximately 0.5g marijuana at the parking lot for the Han River-based Han River Park at the Han River-based Park, inserting it into the pipe of tobacco, and attaching it with a roman’s fire.

6. At around 22:00 on April 28, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana by inserting approximately 0.5g marijuana at the parking lot for the Han River Park in the Han River Site, inserting it into the pipe of tobacco, and attaching it with a roman’s fire.

7. On April 30, 2014, the Defendant smoked marijuana by inserting approximately 0.5g marijuana at the parking lot for the Han River-based Han River Park at the Han River-based Park, inserting it into the pipe of tobacco, and attaching it with a roman’s fire.

8. On May 1, 2014, at around 20:00, the Defendant smoked marijuana in a way that sets about approximately 0.5g marijuana on the side side of the access road to the Han River-based Park in a tobacco pipe by cutting it into a tobacco pipe, and attaching it to a licenseer.
